I need to learn to think things through.

Oct 28, 2007 23:54

*sigh* How do i get myself into these things? By being greedy. I don't even think 15 people here care.

taken from inevitabilityy.

The first fifteen commenters who give me awesome prompts get to request a drabble from me. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for. OK, so just request, ok? Because y'all ( Read more... )

pairings i never thought i'd write, idiotic is my new hobby, meme, threesomes are love, ficcage

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anamuan November 2 2007, 18:20:09 UTC
maybe I should.
you can do the prompts!! speaking of, Ryo/Shige talking philosophy with their eyes.

Ryo spotted Shie across the club. He was surprised; he didn't think Shige was the ype. He always had to remind himself that there was more to Shige than dorky antics and pretentious leanings. Ryo's eyes racked Shige as he made his way across the dance floor, bobbing and weaving through the crowd as though it were water. His motion seemed so fluid, so second nature, that Ryo found it easy to forget that he associated Shige with dorky performances and stupid backstage antics instead of with dark, throbbing spaces. Tipping back the rest of his drink, Ryo slid onto the dance floor, aiming not for where Shige was, but where he'd be next.

And suddenly Shige was there in front of Ryo; and the smile he flashed looked rare and alluring and mysterious in the strobing club lights. He didn' say anything, but put his hands on Ryo's hips and pulled them together. Ryo led the dancing, following the beat pumped through the club so loudly they could feel it in their stomaches, feel it crawling up their spines, because Ryo could be smooth too. Hips and gaze locked, Ryo and Shige moved together, speaking sex with their bodies, talking philosophy with their eyes until Shige moved his hand from Ryo's hip to his wrist and started pulling him to the door.

"Let's get out of here," Shige shouted over his shoulder, leaning close to Ryo's ear and Ryo could still barely hear him; they were the first words they'd exchanged all night. They paused near the exit when Ryo slid his wrist out of Shige's grasp and down across the front of Shige's pants. There was some frantic rocking and some desperate kissing up against the wall of the club, and then Shige grabbed Ryo's wrist again and pulled him outside into the cold night air.

Neither of them had stopped to get their jackets from the coat check and Ryo tried to suppress a shiver because it really was cold; and then a taxi'd pulled over ad they'd climbed in and Shige gave Ryo another one of those looks--smile still mysterious, eyes sstill full of unspoken conversations--and told the cab driver his address. Ryo pressed a hand against the cold glass of the window and thought he'd never felt so warm in his life.


inevitabilityy November 2 2007, 20:44:59 UTC
Hips and gaze locked, Ryo and Shige moved together, speaking sex with their bodies, talking philosophy with their eyes until Shige moved his hand from Ryo's hip to his wrist and started pulling him to the door.
I. I. FUCK. *__________________*

BEST WAY TO INCORPORATE MY PROMPT EVER ajdhgjdslghsdjh A+++++ ♥ ♥ ♥ HAVE MY FIRSTBORN dahgskglsgkjsdhgjsdgsshajdlhf;

God. This is. dahgjdslhgjsk it is hot and I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, PLEASE SAY THERE IS MORE and it is ajdghlkjs HOT, did I mention really hot yet but best of all, it's pretty. *___* I just.

...-goes to work on your RyoJin, KoyaShige, KokiJin.-


anamuan November 2 2007, 23:34:32 UTC
but seriously, I'm glad you liked it. That was the first sentence I wrote. The rest kind of fell out of it.

...there is not currently more. But there may be in the future?

ahahaha. I seem to be causing guilt recently. And yet, I have no complaints


anamuan November 3 2007, 00:03:37 UTC
And can I also apologize for all the crazy typos? I was trying to get it typed up between classes and ... yeah, just sorry. There's a clean copy over at hizashikage


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