I need to learn to think things through.

Oct 28, 2007 23:54

*sigh* How do i get myself into these things? By being greedy. I don't even think 15 people here care.

taken from inevitabilityy.

The first fifteen commenters who give me awesome prompts get to request a drabble from me. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for. OK, so just request, ok? Because y'all ( Read more... )

pairings i never thought i'd write, idiotic is my new hobby, meme, threesomes are love, ficcage

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Comments 238

mycroftnext October 29 2007, 04:04:23 UTC
So, when I saw GW, I totally thought you were referring to the school, and I was like, "Since when does George Washington have a fandom?" Yes, I figured it out eventually, but I'm a moron.

This is me not requesting anything, because a meme like this on my lj would kill me. Therefore, I request only that I can be your OTB (One True Beta).


anamuan October 29 2007, 04:11:27 UTC
Ok, so apparently, Caps lock + space = post. DDD; (tries again. for the 4th or 5th time)

OTB. You are such a total dork. IDEK what to say to you.
Maybe, "ILU~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥

it would not kill you. What could happen? You only have to write a max of 15 things that inspire you, which means, basically anything and everything I request would have to be .... you!appropriate. you could request things anyway? I wouldn't tell if you cheated.

Even if George Washington had a fandom, I would not be in it. I have standards you know. (*ducks*)
Nanka, the intra-fandom lingo helps keep random people from requesting things? Like anyone would. Or, we could say that it's an instance of my trying to construct and index my fan identity. ...please save me


mycroftnext October 30 2007, 03:30:54 UTC
Why is it that you can give me the prompt and I came up with tons of ideas, but now that I have free reign, nothing? Must be an off night.

But I really want a song!fic of "Ai Nante," but not between any of the jpop boys. I want my het, gosh darn it! So maybe you can use one of the doramas or something from GW for all I know. I just want song!fic. Some potential pairings:
-from Nobuta's point of view, filling in some of her backstory
-Shuuji's pov about Nobuta (I would say Akira about Nobuta, but it's just too non-major of a song for Akira)
-Nao/Hiroto, because there can never be too much sappy angst where they're concerned (and kitsune_714 would love you forever too ( ... )


mycroftnext October 30 2007, 03:32:23 UTC
And see! Now that I posted that, I remembered. The crackalicious body!switch ficbit I gave you based off that one Russ-K commercial. You should definitely write that. ;p


ginzarhapsody October 29 2007, 04:23:07 UTC
I am in the same boat as mycroftnext. I'd request, but I finally got back to looking at that epic!thing and I really shouldn't be distracted. ;P Maybe I'll come back?

(isn't this icon of jin pretty?!)


anamuan October 29 2007, 04:45:37 UTC
yes, it is pretty.

DEFINITELY work on the epic. Because I want it. *demands*
On the up side, that means I potentially get fic for free~~


inevitabilityy October 29 2007, 04:49:58 UTC
Hey, guess what, I'm excited. I'm already doing this so I'm going to request shamelessly. Can I request more than one?? :DD

Anyways, you're not greedy, but I think I owe you like two fic anyways. >> I'll get to work on that sometime soon. Maybe. Hopefully.

Anyways, I want uhm. Hm.

RyoShige; why don't you go back to not talking to me? it was doing us both quite a lot of good.



anamuan October 29 2007, 05:10:05 UTC
Yes :DD I don't think anyone else will anyway. If by some weird fluke, 15 different people request, i'll just write more, i guess.

OK! I will do this! I make to promises as to when it will be done. I owe kitsune_714 birthday fic from like, July.


inevitabilityy October 29 2007, 05:27:23 UTC
HOORAY. omg hooray. I. I. Am so excited you wouldn't believe.

Hahaha, that's fine, I have no idea when I'll ever get your KoyaShige done. Or you know, any of the fic that I owe.


anamuan October 29 2007, 21:38:39 UTC
I blame you and this prompt for me getting less sleep than usual last night. :Dv ( ... )


sillyandmorbid October 30 2007, 01:22:44 UTC
i would request.
but only, like, you would give me a prompt if i reposted. so it doesn't seem worth it

MOATS though

and i liked your drabble for inevitabilityy
why you so cool??


anamuan October 30 2007, 01:27:49 UTC
don't repost it. request. it feels so lonely with you lazy people.

I'm glad you liked it though. I kept 'going to bed' and then thought of something, and having to turn on my desk lamp and get up and write it down. And then going back to bed. And then doing it over again. So it's good to know it was worth it.
I's cool cause i'm me. it's natural.


sillyandmorbid October 30 2007, 03:06:34 UTC
mmkay. i hope this is ok for a request. i don't do this very often (read, never)

Pin, What happens to stars when it's not night? or Where do the stars go during the day? something along those lines

i meant stars as in the nighttime sky kind. but you probably knew that.



anamuan October 30 2007, 03:10:54 UTC
yoshi! yaru~

to be honest, i didn't even think about other kinds of stars until you mentioned it.
Incidentally, that sounds like a line (almost directly. but in English, instead of japanese) from Ayumi, a film I saw in anime film last year.


inevitabilityy October 31 2007, 04:35:34 UTC
I want another prompt, because I am greedy and I love your fic. D: I am sorry.

I have this huge thing for RyoShige right now so;

RyoShige; talking philosophy with their eyes.


anamuan October 31 2007, 13:47:18 UTC
flatter will .... maa it'll probably get you places sometimes. demo sugoi puresshaa da yo!

RyoShige; talking philosophy with their eyes.
ok! but this one is hard


inevitabilityy October 31 2007, 23:18:59 UTC
I fail at Japanese! D: -does not know what you said, sorry-

:D you can prompt more than one from me?? since no one else wants anymore anyways. D: dajsghljs, is it too hard? D: I will prompt...another? :D


anamuan October 31 2007, 23:28:39 UTC
Sorry. Codeswitching is one of my worst habits -_-;
something like 'what pressure!' in english?

you tempt me so. >:DD
it's not, it's not. I was going to say this morning (but it was morning, so i forgot). After "this one is hard" was supposed to be "BUT I HAVE STARTED IT ALREADY!! :D"
but prompt as many as you like. I've got nothing better to do in class


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