If only...

Oct 06, 2007 20:24

If time-wasting were an Olympic sport.

I am reading about hedges in Japanese. I have absolutely know understanding of statistics. And all these new ways to run stat programs. I have no hope for the future.

Stir-fry (which I tried for the first time last night), is easily the easiest thing to make in the world. I can now see why this is my mother's default "throw something together" meal. Dude. She should have mentioned it. Like, I may never make anything again. Provided I have things I can stirfry together.

I took a nap today against my better judgment, because I always wake up with a headache.
I have a headache.

And i felt like i had witty and amusing stories to share, but it seems as though I don't.
So i guess I'll just shut up now.
If you need me, you know where to find me.

Maybe I will post that thing about okonomiyaki.
...or maybe not, since i can't seem to find the cable that lets me transfer pictures from my camera to the computer.

lx 2, food 3, japanese 2

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