~~~~~0ヘ~~~~ (just keep swimming)

Oct 04, 2007 23:12

I got to see my girls today~ All the ones still in DC, anyway. Food, tv, and good times. Not necessarily in that order. We still have not come up with Krizstina's 's' word. It's apparently a (probably slang) adj that starts with an s and means something like 'punk' (as in, those street punks were at it again).
I would have liked to chat more with stillesprite because we didn't get our semi-habitual lunch this week. And rocksizedheart very kindly offered to drive me home (we got a little lost, but eventually stumbled upon my bus route and i was like YES! I KNOW THE WAY!!!) so i didn't have to worry about missing my last bus.

Language table was inordinately huge today. We got to try that ice-cucumber flavor pepsi put out. まずくないけど。The flavor that first hits my tongue (before the semi-pepsi flavor and the fizz kick in) kind of reminds me of something I had a long time ago, but the taste never lasts long enough for me to place it.
I don't think I'd buy any.

There is a long weekend coming up, and i need it. very very much.

SocVar was hilarious today, in inadvertantly inappropriate ways. They involved people volunteering to 'do' Ethiopians; people being sick, other (far away) people sneezing, suggestions, and witty retorts that at least there were no Ethiopians involved; the class of mature graduate students laughing like 12-year-olds at fart jokes; and the professor laughing so hard getting so distracted by the proceedings that he forgot what he was talking about mid-sentence.
That class is really worth getting up early for. I have to give it that much.

Semantics homework. the first part was creepily easy. We sat around staring at it, saying aloud in wonder and disbelief: but it can't just be that. That's too easy.
Maybe the second part will be the part that eats us?


In other news, dryer sheets are indeed effective bug repellant; but you need to make sure that you do get everywhere. One bit me on the top of my foot, where i thought my shoe would cover.

I have also acquired a carbon monoxide detector.

I am tired です。

food, 疲れてるけど, hoya saxa, class, 迷子to iu ka, eigo, lx or bastardizations thereof, my deep and abiding love for 顔文字, homework

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