and the width and the breadth of the sea.

Oct 03, 2007 00:06

I slept very poorly last night. with semi-lucid dreams and waking up practically every time I turned over.

Today in SocVar, our professor was telling us that there's this program that makes transcribing (interview-type things; not conversations. Conversations still suck) easier and faster. And he's going into some details, and essentially the whole class is like "OMG, YES~"
...We really are a bunch of nerds.

It was kind of a hectic day.
Haste makes waste, afterall.

Went to dinner at some new!friends' place over in Rosslyn. It was a really fun time. We didn't end up watching a movie (so i got home. I was kind of worried about losing track of time and missing my bus and never getting back), but we talked about movies.
It feels like it's been a really long time since I've had 'church friends;' kinda weird in a good way.
I also felt like a real person, since it was a small little dinner get together and i brought a bottle of wine.

'learned' a lot of Japanese today. Now i just have to retain it. Things like modern art and pulp/tablets

Just. I could be happy if most of the day were just forgotten. Things like, printing out things for class and then leaving them in the printer. Things like forgetting my phone, and needing it enough (at least today) that I couldn't just be like "crap! oh well" but actually having to go back and get it--and subsequently missing my bus. Things like surprise homework assignments (there was something the prof wanted to go over last week and then give the assignment about it, but we ran out of time. So we did it today. but the old due date (thursday) still stands. So instead of getting more than a week, we get 2 days to do it. And i understand why we're keeping the original timeline despite running behind, but at the same time, it does make life suddenly more stressful)

futotteru ki ga suru. -_-"

nikki no baka, class, nerdly ftw!, japanese 2, church, lx 2, food 3, ;_;, sleep, school 2

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