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Aug 23, 2007 03:08

There is the best thingy evar on facebook right now yo. It is called (fluff)Friends and they are ridiculously cute. I got a bunny named Leppit. It is cute. It makes me happy. Did i mention the cute?

had a loverly doctor's appointment today. yearly physicals ftw.
but actually, I like my doctor, so it was nice talking to her. Also, lately I've slept through church a lot, so this is the only way I'd seen her.

had some less pleasant allergic reactions to the dust on the top of the, the. you know. I'm not sure what to call it. It's not a dresser because it's for hanging clothes instead of folded ones. do those have a name? well anyway. that thing. The 4-8years accumulated dust on the top. I was ok for the first half hour, but then wherever I touched the dust--just touched it--it brought out welts on my skin. So i went and took allergy medicine and stopped cleaning.

But I slept very badly, because i went to bed far too late (as is my custom) but, knowing I had an appointment relatively early in the day (ok, so 1:30 isn't really early) I kept waking up in a panic thinking I'd missed it. It didn't help that the roofers called this morning to say they were coming over to look at the once-more leaking ceiling, so I woke up to take the call.
It turned out they were practically here anyway by the time they called. Now, since there's so much room-moving and packing chaos going on in the house, my sisters and I have not been sleeping in our own beds; instead we've put the living room futon down and have been sharing that. But. If there are roofers coming in to look at the ceiling, the living room is not the best place to try to sleep. So we had to move. And then there were some more frantic ohcrapI'mlate! wakeups on my part.

I watched a ridiculous amount of Star Trek on tv today. There was some kind of Marathon on Spike TV. And then a random episode at 2 or something on G4. I was, like, raised on Star Trek. But my childhood brain doesn't remember it all being quiet so corny...
maa. DS9 was 'special.'

got to talk briefly with jina, busy working in Japan (and the jianjian) on gmail chat.
Something about IM with someone in the same room just amuses me on principle. It's so ridiculous.

I have not actually cooked in so long I'm a little afraid I forget how. we shall see.

mi familia again, nikki no baka, eigo, annie, food 3, bakanakoto, tv2, with the random, sleep, the jianjian, i don't even know what to call this tag

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