So after having woken up at 6 in the blessed am yesterday, and then staying up last night/this morning until 4, I slept in today.
Through a doctor appointment. But! in my defense, I didn't know i had a doctor's appt. because my sisters took the call and then forgot to tell me.
So my new appt is next week. ^^;
talked to
nihongofrancais on the phone last night. in english! チョウ久しぶり!
tomorrow we're going to pittsburgh, because it turned out that I didn't get a wok afterall. I discovered after coming back that my aunt couldn't find her spare one. But since I didn't know that she hadn't found it (silly nikki not speaking chinese again) I didn't insist that we buy one. *shrug* thus to pittsburgh.
I may cave next year and just buy their cookbook. The next little while is Wheeling's semi-annual Greek food festival. It started small, but it's gotten bigger every year since. went from having some hot food a la carte and selling some twisty butter cookies i can neither spell nor pronounce and baklava to blocking off a road downtown and roping teenagers into traditional costume and dancing. And a whole lot more food.
I can't really say that I mind.
Finished all the restaurant overviews for work and sent them in. I still don't know what タレアテッレ is in English (it's some kind of Italian noodle), but otherwise I'm all done. 4,814 words. For someone who's getting paid by the word, that's not too bad.
I actually called their office in Japan, because they wanted the overviews done quickly, and told me to call if there was anything I was having trouble with (since it was all about food and restaurants and place names) instead of looking it up on my own. So I called, and remembered all my polite business-style Japanese (which I haven't used since. the beginning of last semester) and was pleased with myself. But phonecalls make me nervous and it took a long time for the adrennaline to wear off (how lame is that?)--especially since N-san wasn't in, so all the Japanese was for nothing because he had to call me back and I had to do another phone call.
I'm supposed to get another 50 or so restuarant overviews in the next couple days, but in the meantime, I can finally get back to the worst date translations I'm to do.
And there's like a week until I move into my apartment for good (or at least the year) and. it's kind of weird. I am looking forward to my commute. I think actually one of the things I was looking for in an apartment was a 30 minute to 1 hour commute. But! At least my commute is mostly public transit and not walking in the cold. I don't think i couldn't have borne having to walk the whole way, even if it meant I was a lot closer, simply because of the winter wind.
hmm. this was a lot of nothing.
have a nice day!