reality check

Aug 04, 2007 03:41

and so cometh another school year. Maybe I should have tried for a job instead afterall. Oh well. Too late to worry about that one now. 続きより仕方がないよね。

the jianjian's getting ready for her freshman year. I can smell the mixture of fear and excitement. It brings back memories I'd forgotten I'd had. ^_^

but. there's just so much.
★housing stuff. stupid forms. if they decide (though I don't really think they will. Mostly I just think they're asses) that my family's finances aren't good enough for them and reject me, then I don't know what I'll do.
☆school stuff
★job stuff
☆my translation stuff
★buying furniture. Granted my [provided the housing people ok me] future apartment-mate has solved most of those problems, providing all the living room essentiels, but. I don't have a bed. I did get a little mattress/futon thing (the cheap Japanese kind) in Cali, though, and relatives hooked me up with both a rice-cooker and a wok.*[story to follow below]
☆and moving into jianjian's room.
★and creatingfinding the space to move into jianjian's room.
☆and. and. and. catching up on email and lj and everything, which shouldn't be stressful, but it is because of the rest of the list and there's just. so. much. like emailing tego links. and stuff.

maa maa maa maa.

so my mom mentioned that she wanted to go to a Korean grocery store so we could get a ricecooker and a wok for me to various relatives. This was so that we could get directions to one. And grandma was like, 'oh, we have another ricecooker that matches this one [points to one she was using]. We got them together at a garage sale, but they work wonderfully. Why don't you take the other one?' and so I got a rice cooker. And then Aunt Rebecca was like, "I've got a spare wok at home. You can have it. I'll bring it next time." And that was that. I also got a hot water dispenser when we went to SF.

mi familia again, nikki no baka, i hate myself sometimes, mini!(r-.-)r, annie, teh emo, translation, baito, with the random, the jianjian, school 2

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