cousin's this time

Jul 21, 2007 22:50

This time I'm posting from Tiffany's house. It's like I'm house-hopping for internet or something. well, almost.

She invited everyone for a bbq.
It's nearly everyone (down 3 cousins and 2 of their significant others); 8 cousins, 2 with spouses (well, technically, one set lives here, but) and 3 with their boyfriends and girlfriends. And all the aunts and uncles (in mom's immediate family). Even uncle jim was out from Nebraska (coincidence) from yesterday and until tomorrow.

The food was good and I want tiffany's potato casserole recipe. So does Joyce. ^_^

Unfortunately I only got one translation totally finished today. the other's halfway through an editing process. So i could only send one.
And now half of us are grouped around the kitchen/living room and playing the wii or watching the chaos fun. Now it's aunt rebecca's turn. she's never done it before and came in halfway through a game. They're all explaining what she's supposed to do in Cantonese.

Went swimming for the first time today. It was fun. well, except for mark sometimes when his nuts got crushed. It was, in the jianjian's defense, accidental both times.

Got to hear about annie and her two daddies. Apparently, last year our cousins Darrell and Alvin (they're the oldest two, born the same year) had taken her shopping (Darrell's wife had wandered off to some other part of the outlet, so they were with annie when some sneakers caught her eye). Alvin offered to buy them for her, and Darrell collects tennis shoes or something like that [he has so many more pairs than i do. And they're all sneakers] so they're all into it. And then realized what they looked like, buying a little girl shoes together.

sore ja.

mi familia again, food 3, baito, the jianjian, chinese, annie

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