
May 07, 2007 21:06

...should I be worried that looking at that, I'm not sure if I spelled it properly or not?

*shrug* 別に意味がないけどさ。

speaking of 意味, I took a short short nap today (having, over the weekend, changed my sleeping patterns to semi-nocturnal ones, I had trouble falling asleep last night, and consequently, woke up early this morning exhausted) in which I dreamt that this tiny little (chou kawaii) kappa wanted to eat me.
I spent 20 minutes or so right after trying to do a Japanese-language dream-dictionary search on 'kappa' but to no avail. Unsurprisingly, english dictionaries didn't have it, and neither did any of the japanese ones I found that weren't too much trouble to bother.

Went to my language partner's house. It's sugoi. 広くて、きれいなところのよ。Courthouse eki no sugu soko. Aside from the construction going on right next to it, gorgeous views (though the giant crane thing sliding past the window was a little close for comfort).
We had tako-yaki!!
Provided you have the proper kind of hotplate, it's ridiculously easy to do.
One of her friends who lives a few floors down came up to visit too, with her 18 month old (...i think i remember that right). His name was Yuu-kun. He was the cutest thing ever. Well, most of the time. He liked balls and to give things to people. He also liked tako-yaki and pingu. Pingu is not for eating. He also knew baby sign language. "oishii"
His mother's name was also, kinda weirdly, Tamaki-san. Besides Japanese and English, she also speaks Turkish because she lived there for a number of years.

Finished the morphology. yatto. Last night, after staring at it for a long time, I kind of shrugged and started glossing problem 3 (despite not being entirely sure what all the morphemes were) and somehow, magically, it all fell into place. I love when that happens.

Now I'm queasy and trying to decide if it's confused hunger, of if maybe, despite smells to the contrary, my milk was bad afterall.

ETA: (10:30pm) I finished the final version of my sakubun. I feel so productive~
...despite adding 2 sentences (or so), I think it's actually shorter than when I started.

tv, japanese 2, lx 2, food 3, dream, posts of oblique references, i don't even know what to call this tag, america 2, school 2

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