Nov 16, 2003 19:21
I went over to my dad's today. While talking in the car, I mentioned that I am watchin CNN more than I used to. He says that Fox News is better and that CNN is bias.... I'm sitting there thinking "And Fox News isn't ?!? You are just saying that because you are Republican and voted for Bush." I also mentioned how I knew several of the Democratic party canidates because of watching CNN. He was like, all the canidates wouldn't make a good president, they are all clowns. I'm just like blah blah blah. He asked who I would vote for. I would have said Howard Dean but I really didn't feel like getting into an arguement so I just said I just know who the canidates are, not what their platfrom and such was. It's funny how a year ago I NEVER would have wrote about something like this. Thanks Ray Ray ;-)