Long time, LJ friends! Posting to let everyone know I've created a fb page to support our beautiful Rox-dog, who (along with our entire family) is being maligned on an online forum by next door neighbors who claim that we keep her locked inside our home "almost 24 hours a day" because she is an "aggressive pitbull". These claims are laughably untrue. And so I hope to fill this page with testimonials, photo, and video evidence to the contrary. Here anyone can plainly see that Roxy goes everywhere; for walks around neighborhoods, parks, through fields and woods -- even a college campus -- and that she spends tons of time outside on the deck and in the yard when the weather is nice. Lots of car rides and long-distance road trips, too.
To clarify, these neighbors are lashing-out because we filed a dog bite report after the SECOND time their dog bit our daughter -- severely enough to cause bleeding, bruising, scarring, and an infection warranting two antibiotics prescriptions. They are also denying that either of the bites ever occurred. Disgusting and frustrating. :( But hey, let's focus on refuting one ridiculous claim at a time, and showing some Roxy love!