Serious chest pains + dizziness scare Thursday night. Entered St. Francis emergency room at 11:30, finally sent Karl and Anna home around 4:00 a.m, then hung-out and endured multiple tests until early Friday afternoon -- blood tests, urinalysis, chest x-rays, EKG, nuclear cardiac imaging, treadmill stress test -- the works!
Good news -
I now have a cardiologist!
Even better news -- according to all tests, my heart seems healthy, so I don't really need a cardiologist.
Iffy news-- possible/unconfirmed diagnosos:
esophageal spasm -- though it was not accompanied by any burning, difficulty swallowing, or regurgitation. Also, clenching pain started hours after dinner, while I was relaxing in the tub, so....
Stupid... aging.
Stupid... GERD?
Stupid... whatever.