Jul 13, 2004 09:49
the house phone doesnt work!!!
and i need to talkt o someone
my life sucks
my liscence was stolen and the bitch used it
now i have bill from the hospitol
for so much fuckin money
i tried to get the records so that girl can go to jail but they wont give them to me.
now they are sayin i was there.
i wasnt!!! i fuckin wasnt i would own up to my shit if i went
thats my resposiblilty but it wasnt me
i hope she fuckin dies
she fucked me over
i didnt do anything to her
her and her bf are a waste of flesh and should rott in hell.
i hate life
i dont want to pay but if i dont ill have bad credit.
and then ill be screwed!
if only she knew what i would do to her if i did see her.