
Feb 17, 2009 09:56

I know it's been a really, really long time since I updated my LJ.  So....here goes.

It's not fair to ask me to wait on my life while you straighten out yours.
It's not fair to tell me you'll kick me out in two months if I"m not working, but you allow yourself to sit on your ass and not even look for 18 months while I carry you.
After 9 years, we shouldn't be fighting over the same things we fought over when we first met.
After five years, I should have a wedding band, but don't, because you're too afraid to just take the leap and you can't hold a full-time job to save your life, so we don't have the money for the wedding you say you want.
I shouldn't look at you and only feel unhappiness, frustration, and anger more often than not.
I'm starting to wonder if I'm just settling- which isn't fair to either of us.  Maybe when we met I was just in love with the idea of being in love.
I can't feel all right with starting a family with someone who can't even remember his own parents' birthday.  But I'm not getting any younger, and I want to start a family.
Maybe.....just maybe neither one of us can move past the ways we've hurt each other before.

Sometimes you make a friend that changes the way you see everything, and you see it more clearly.

Being a grown-up sucks. :P  Trying to make a clear, knowledgeable decision on whether or not to call it quits on a nine year relationship really sucks.
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