Nov 22, 2002 09:51
....there is always something there to remind me.....
(ahhhhh.....i cant help but love the 8o's soundtrack i made for my life)
today is it. this is it. it really is. i've been waiting to be 22 for a loooong time, believe you me. Here's wher i explain my obsession with numbers:
november 22. 2002. november is the 11 month. 1+1=2. (duh) and the 22nd. and then 2 oo 2. 22 again! and i'm 22! and today is the day kennedy got shot. (this has nothing to do with anything, other than my extreme loathing for this man and his family. the first publicly documented presidential scandal. marilyn monroe was a homicide case, and nothing but. and the facts show that robert kennedy was present when she was injected with enough toxins to kill 15 people.
there are government documents proving this. and plenty of witnesses. FBI files. Tapes of confessions. And isnt it funny, most of the people involved are dead? (both kennedy's shot. many kennedy's dead by "freak accident")
i say good riddance. i dont hold any remembrances or "moments of silence" for this man who was assasinated on my birthdate. and the media can shove it for plastering it all over. who cares?
so. that's my educational ramble for you to chew on.
here's my playlist:(kick ass 8o's mix.)
billy joel-we didnt start the fire
cyndi lauper-time after time
david bowie- modern love
david bowie-this is ground control
depeche mode-the world in your eyes
devo-whip it
duran duran-girls on film
echo and the bunnymen-lips like sugar
human league-dont you want me baby
madonna-crazy for you
naked eyes-always something there
new order-bizarre love triangle
omd- if you leave
pyschedelic furs-pretty in pink
simple minds- dont you forget about me
the smiths- please please let me get what i want
talking heads-pyscho killer
the cure- charlotte sometimes
the cure- lets go to bed
the cure-in between days
!!!!!!oh how i love it. when i watch pretty in pink, i always feel so bad when the duckman is in his room, thinking about "the girl" and listening to the smiths "please please".
it always makes my heart hurt.
i wanted the song (dont know the name or the group) but it goes:"and she was moving very slowly-and she was taking off her dress....(chorus:the world was moving she was right there with it, and she was)...
but anywho, there are plenty of good songs. i have a few other 8o's mic cds. this is just my latest. my present to myself. (as i say about my trip to chicagp, and all the stuff i bought thrifting yesterday).
tonight! eek! i have so much to do still.
i am going to decorate my living room with streamers. and i am going to purchase one (1) baby blue balloon. to float to the ceiling.
happy happy party. for me.