hello strangers!

Jan 07, 2004 17:07

well i prolly should up date this a tad more... since ive last written, ive come home from byron, had a gig or 2, and had new years..
down at broulee..
it was a very eventfull evening!... wich you can hear about of nicky or something cause i cant be bothered to write out the whole night!
tonight me nicky and cara plan to polish of 2 littres of goon down at the muff.. (thats about as good as it gets!)
my band played at the mariners with a bunch of other bands the other night.. i thought id be hell lonely so i dragged shayne along, then once i was there found cara and nathan(who sucks schlong!) and jess bridge, who told me the name of the creapy random i hooked with at new years. enough about that!
i dont think anyone other than nicky (cause she made up this journal 4 me) knows about my journal. so im probably talking to myself again..
nicky and cara are on nickys bed getting mighty randy.. the beds rokin and stuff.. "how funny would it be if we were guys", "yeh fully itd be like "i nailed this chick man!!"" (thats nicky)
"i wanna get a photo of you in bed" (thats nicky again!)
moving right along....!!!
not 2 long till i get to move OUT of my mothers and into my new house!
im movin in with shayne and cara wich should be fun! alot better than living with that dickhead.. not mentioning any NATHANS!
enough of that!!
cara and nicky are still on the bed, and im still sober, so ill c you all later.
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