I've gone through some interesting things in my life, and I want to give back. Somehow.
I've been thinking that one of the better things I could do for myself would be to write my memoirs. You know, being adopted, being head injured, struggling back from both of these things. Maybe separately, maybe together. They're intertwined, to a point. I just have trouble getting started.
I just read a blog post by this guy I stumbled across a week ago. I don't agree with him 100%, but he's got some sood stuff to say. Like
here, he says that incremental action can get you to where you want to go, and also in that post he says that he's used his blog posts to write his books.
So I'm thinking of doing that here. I've already got readers (sort of); I don' thave to go set up a separate blog, and so on.
I've got a ton of essays and such written, and I think I'll start sharing them here.
Sounds good, yes?