day 1 / 31 Days to a Better Blog

Apr 08, 2009 01:37

I'm getting started late on this, because I've been attending a four day conference on Traumatic Brain Injury. It was incredible. I am so glad I went, and I'll try to make the time to tell you about it.

Anyway, The first day of the 31 Days to a Better Blog Challenge is to create an elevator pitch for my blog.

Those who know what this is can ignore this paragraph. In case you don't, know, an elevator pitch is a short overview of something you're passionate about. It is meant to be short and punchy, something that can be communicated in a short amount of time, say, a thirty second elevator ride. Hence the name.

Well. Didn't really know I needed one. But I am trying to leverage this blog as part of my whole creative effort. As such, I reckon I should create an pitch for my design thing.

So here are a few things I'm toying with:
"Reaching out to creatives."
"Promoting good design and great designers."
"Thoughts for designers with a dollop of personality."

Hm. I think these need a little more work. Now that I've set my subconscious on the task, hopefully it will churn out something usable.

What do you think? Do you have a way of promoting your blog, your life, your vision? Please feel free to share.


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