Plurk -- it's like
Twitter, sorta, only more reliable, apparently more geared towards 'real people,' and it's my latest foray into the microblogging kick I'm currently on.
A lot of the buzz around the web says that Plurk is 'better' than Twitter, in the sense of less downtime, more customizable, a different interface, and a lot of other things I can't remember right now.
It's also better in the sense that there's no way (currently) for Plurk to export things to LiveJournal, so you will undoubtedly be glad to know that I'm sparing whatever plurking I manage to do.
And yes, they've made the word into a verb. And a noun, and an adjective, and a descended-past-participle and goddess knows what else. Isn't that clever? Besides, 'plurked' rolls off the tongue a bit better than 'twittered' ... less syllables, too.
So yeah -- one of the reasons I haven't been playing with Twitter too much is because I've seen people whose journals are nothing but long strings of twitters. Quite honestly, that's as annoying to me as it is to you. I hadn't wanted to do that.
I'm going to make something of an effort to update more frequently on plurk. There my updates are limited to 140 characters, where here I have to, y'know, write a meaningful entry and all.
And just to clarify, I won't be 'going away,' and I'm not going to stop reading the things I currently read on LJ. But if you want to keep up with the day-to-day minutiae of my life, at least as it happens when I'm near a Web connection, then please join me on