Nov 30, 2006 00:01
I went to see a General practise doctor today. I've been depressed, a lot, and pills have helped before. They may help again. I can't get into depression studies any more because of stricter regulations on folks who have had head injuries (me). So.
The meeting went well. He's a nice guy, as doctors go. He seems to be striking a balance between spending a lot of time with the patient and hurry-up-I-have-1234123-more-people-to-see-today-and-a-yacht-to-buy sorts of doctors.
Oh, and I found out that relative to the last visit I had to him, which was about 5-6 months ago, I've lost 10 pounds. So yay!
Anyway, I have to see a neurologist to make sure I'm free of seizure activity (which I am. I think). nce that's done, I might start taking Cymbalta. I've no idea, really.
So. An update, there you go.