Monday morning mayhem

May 24, 2006 13:43

Temp-san seems especially distracted today. I wonder why...

Golf has to be the most pointless sport known to man. Tanaka-san, the self-proclaimed 'guru' of this mindless madness, has been attempting to cajole the entire department into playing a round with him next weekend. (Although if it weren't for the gigantic pile of papers sitting in my inbox, I might be willing to take him up on the offer.)

Anyway, I have to remember to send a big thank you card to Jirou next week. I am not, and probably will never be a computer geek, and I fully admit I haven't a clue what made my laptop go bonkers in the first place. Not that I don't enjoy the amusement of dancing apples plastering my screen, but I really don't need the extra grief I'd hear from above at the apparently lax security around my office. I'll have to have a few words with Temp-san about that.

But hey, at least it wasn't apples playing golf, right?

[[OOC: If you can break the code, you will officially be my Favourite Person in the World. ^___^ Saeki's a twit.]]
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