Oct 30, 2004 04:41
I sometimes wonder just how simple life could be if we cut half of the stuff out, like I spend all my time thinking more about other people and how my life can adapt to them, rather than how mine needs to change, move and be more focused. I can't see how I could be more accommodating of so many people. Without one other trying to be accommodating of me, quite as much...... then again, there are perhaps those rare moments when the people whom I shouldnt be talking to, seem to be the ones that are being more accommodating.... seem that is, not really.
Like Life could look better if it was just a big spacious whole.
and it could encompass a very large amount of space, with not much else.
Life would look simpler, yet more complex
then again the space is there to be filled.
SO what if someone has a complex view of things, whilst others don't ? I don't understand why it would make difference except to those people who have a closed minded view of everything. It is like stealing candy from babies. Some people might find that a big laugh. Not many, but some, wierdos who think its all just a big laugh.
Wierdos that is, real ones. I know its a trivial thing but some peoples whole lives can be centred on one thing like this, and you know its soul destroying.
My ancient adage still holds true for me and always will. "Trust No One"
I don't even trust my own mother. What reason would I ever have to do something as stupid as that? Because I have learned. I learn every day.
If I was to trust someone, it would be more like a forced position you know, where people can take advantage of it. However, I know some slime balls too and they are the worst I know.
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH now Im tired, I get tired being critical of people. I wish I could be critical of people all the time, it could be my job, and I would like that.