I'm sleeping a lot more these days, but I'm still an appreciative tourist of the products out there consumable for your sudden jolt or boost of whatever.
There's the traditional route:
There's this shit that Joe brought cases of to the practice space 100 years ago, that originally we all thought tasted like shit but now can't stop drinking, thanks Tim (in his defense it really does work, nasty Hawaiian Punch-y aftertaste aside):
And lastly . . . energy bars? Yeah, I'm really eating them. But they're good when 1. I'm going somewhere and/or 2. I don't feel like cooking and/or 3. I'm touring and don't want to pay $5 for a bag of chips and gummy bears at a truck stop (I know, where am I touring that has a bag mixing those two far-distant cousins? I'd love to visit).
At TJ's I buy ProMax and Kashi:
I don't proclaim any of these to be healthy or reasonable meal substitutes. I reiterate here that I am a tourist of energy-food-ville, not a resident. I've been really consistent with my normal food, vitamins, and exercise and yoga besides. If/when the stuff isn't so readily accessible I don't eat it and usually don't even seek it out. But it's a far better (and cheaper) unhealthy hobby to have than drug abuse -- through some could go on a bit of a limb and call it a (much) milder form.
Anyway. Yeah why am I on here, I have a meeting to go to. Did I mention I've been walking to work since my car died? Did I mention my car died? If you're interested, I'm thinking of putting on a benefit for my car where I play solo (maybe w/guests) and only play songs about cars or songs by The Cars. Something low-key where we'd pass around a bucket. Every bit counts because I need to replace a dead engine.