Jul 19, 2008 16:43
NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF, we're making up a stencil if anyone wants a patch to wear. i don't know where everyone lives but if you're in newcastle you'll be aware that there are still skinheads around, people that hate people with any darker colour whatsoever in their skin, we used to talk to a certain skinhead machine when we saw him around until i heard about something he did to a friend of mine (and that's just one person that i know of, who is a quarter vietnamese)
he marched next to my friend one day, really fucken scarily and intensely, the "hitler" march. my mate shit his pants, this guy is a little nuggety machine. he's built himself so hard a number of bullets, i swear wouldnt phase him, hes so thick, he'd just keep going & going. another time his little gang stared at my mate like they were going to rip him apart at the pub, so he just has to leave if they're there.
apparently these fucks are trying to hang out at the cambridge. we don't go there anymore, but comeon, so many of you do.. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN. WEAR PATCHES, MAKE THEM FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE TO LEAVE. gang up, make the bouncer throw them out (it's disgusting they get let in in the first place), throw glasses at them, do whatever, don't let it happen, don't let RACIST NOBRAINERS take over your pub. confront this problem, IT WILL WORK they're the only ones that are on their side, so fight against the scared ugly nazis. IF YOU SEE RACIST GRAFFITI GET RID OF IT WITH A BIGGER & BETTER GRAFFITI. retaliate against this bullshit, i don't want to live in a place full of fucken hate