I need a few more of these...

Dec 13, 2006 18:03

More things I won't say:

1. STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP! You've answered your own question. Now just go away.
2. You don't even know me, so stop pretending that you do.
3. You better speak up. If you have anything to say, you really should do it soon, because I need your input. I'm sick of one-sided conversations, and one of these days I might stop trying. Knowing me, probably not. But maybe I should.

And that still only makes a grand total of 9, so I still get 1 more sometime if needed. :P

In other news, I'm loving finals schedules because I get to sleep in until almost noon 2 out of 3 days. :)


1. Initials:
ALF - Alien Life Form

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
That one person that I met that one day when we played the find-a-person-who-has-the-same-birthday-as-you game! I don't remember his name, though.

3. Last thing you ate?
Taco Bell

4. For or against same sex marriage:
I'm for whatever makes people happy. Please no comments about how I'm turning liberal. I'm NOT. I'm just turning more liberal...

5. I say Shotgun! You say?

6. Last person you hugged?

7. Do you believe in God?
Sometimes. Usually. To some extent.

8. which U.S states have you been to?
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, California, Pennsylvania, New York, Washington DC, probably a few more I'm forgetting...

9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in:
Just MI

10. Ever lived outside of the US:
If 3 weeks in France counts

11. Name something you like physically about yourself:
My hair. Usually.

12. Something non-physical you like about yourself:
My art. Sometimes.

13. Who is your best friend(s)?
I think they know who they are.

14. Why are you still up?
...Because it's only 6pm ..

15. Who made you angry today?
Myself. And someone else, to some extent. But mostly myself.

16. Favorite type of Food?:
I couldn't choose.

17. Favorite holiday:

18. Do you download music:
Very rarely.

19. What illegal things have you done?
Downloading (when I do it), and I shoplifted once when I was like 8 or something. It was a pencil grip thing that cost like 10 cents.

21. Would you date the person that posted this?
No, I can't say that I would.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Ummm... I'm not sure?

23. Do you love anyone?
I love a lot of people. Well, a few people.

24. Do you like Bush:

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting:

28. How much money ya got?:..
Not enough.

29. Have you met a real redneck?
Um, my dad has a red neck, does that count?

30. How is the weather right now:
Not cold enough. I want SNOW!

31. What are you listening to right now?
The silence that is 24-hour quiet hours due to finals week

32. What is your current fav song?:
Anything Christmasy!

33. What was the last movie you watched?

34. Do you wear contacts?
I never DON'T. I even sleep in them now :)

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Well, I'm counting my dorm as my house right now, so Sherzer (the art building)

36. What are you afraid of?:
being lonely, not being liked, tornadoes, not being good enough at various things, etc.

37. How many piercings and tattoo's do you have?:
1 in each ear. I keep saying I'm going to get another one in each ear, but I'm lazy so that might take awhile...

38. How many pets do you have:

39. Have you ever loved someone:
I've loved many people. Didn't I already answer this question?

40. What turns you on?
Intelligence. Humor. Light switches. :P

41. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Hot chocolate? Not much of a coffee drinker...

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
I think so. Once? At camp? I don't really remember... I think I blocked it from my memory for some reason??

44. Fav. TV show?
Gilmore Girls!

45. Do you have an ipod?:

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?

47.Where are you?
In my dorm.

48. Who would you like to see right now?
A few specific people... but I will see them soon enough :)

49. Favorite movie of all time?
POTC? West Side Story? The Little Mermaid? Beauty and the Beast? Bride and Prejudice?

50. Do you find yourself loved?
Sometimes too much so.

51. Have you ever regretted something you didn't do?
On occasion.

52. Favorite flower:
I couldn't choose.

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Lots of butter.

54. What Magazines are you reading:
Stupid girly ones :) haha

55. Have you ever ridden in a limo:
No, actually...

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?:
My grandpa, but that was like... 11 years ago now? Wow.

58. What's something that really bugs you?
People who are similar to me.

60. Do you like Michael Jackson?
*shrugs* I don't care enough about him to form an opinion one way or the other, how's that?

61. Whats your favorite smell?:
I couldn't choose.

62. Favorite basketball team:
I guess the Pistons? I don't watch much basketball...

63. Favorite cereal:
Cinnamon Life.

64. Do you drive?
Heh. With my mom in the passenger's seat, I do. >_<

65. What do you drive?
The saturn. Ooh! Quick story: about a week ago it was very windy and the basketball hoop fell down and hit the saturn in the driveway and now it's in the shop getting its right side mirror reinstalled.

66. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
I don't even know. Probably not very long in comparison with the rest of y'all.

67. Last time you went bowling?
In September, for David's birthday.

67. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
...? In the backseat of a car, I guess?

68. Who was your last phone call with?:
My mom.

69. Last time you were at work:

70. Whats your favorite state to be in:
Asleep :) because I don't want to study for finals.
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