Fic Community!

Sep 23, 2011 14:35

So. sariagray and I now have a fic community! To house our collaborative fic! :D Our Ianto Big Bang will eventually live here (this was the inspiration for doing this in the first place) and hopefully MORE fic after that and... perhaps other fun things like recs? We have no idea. But it's new and shiny and you should check it out and watch us if you so desire. Yes. ^__^




And yeah, I know, we completely ignored my poll and went with 'a la anise rain' for the header anyway. >_> It just felt right, so we went with it. ;) Plus, we have more rain in our fics than aliens, so... It seemed an okay choice. ;)

So yes, come and check us out? sariagray cleaned the place up and everything. :D (Seriously, she made it very pretty over there. *is impressed* ^_~)

jack/ianto, torchwood, yay!, fic

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