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Comments 18

hitome_bore November 11 2009, 04:03:41 UTC
You're totally not nuts for thinking that stuff <3

I too think Gaius has probably been the most steadily IC character of this whole show. We've seen enough flipping and personality transplants and complete disregard for past relationships between the characters to make anyone question whether they're even watching the same show they started with. Hell, I know I am!

There was actually a discussion on kinseymill's LJ earlier today where she brought up that it had been heard that the Witchfinder episode was supposed to be episode 4, and that in fact several episodes in the series are now being shown "out of order" of the way they had been intended, or were written. I feel like that in itself might explain a lot of the inconsistencies we're seeing? Which just makes me even more annoyed that the writers/producers think that they can get away with it and people won't notice!

Sigh, Merlin. I love you, but... you're making it more of a chore to like you, and that never bodes anything good.


analineblue November 11 2009, 13:41:19 UTC
Well, that's good to know. XD

*laughs* It's a good thing that every once in a while they do throw stuff in there to remind us that it is in fact the same show. You know, like... Gaius! And Gwen running around solving mysteries with Merlin. ^_~

Hmm, that's really interesting about the order of the episodes--I hadn't heard that before. *_* What's especially interesting, I think, is that if this was episode 4, it would have come just after the episode where we find out about Morgana's magic, which would have made her nervousness around the Witchfinder make more sense, maybe? I felt like that part seemed a little out-of-the-blue here, just since we've completely ignored Morgana's magic since it was first brought up, which at this point feels like AGES ago, you know? :P

But yeah, I do feel like it explains a lot if they're just randomly flipping the order of the episodes around. >_> It kind of drives the point home that they could care less about the consistency of the relationships, etc., you know? XD;;


euraylie November 11 2009, 04:40:09 UTC
I agree with a lot of your points. On the Uther/Gaius front, that bothered me a bit too...especially since we've had episodes in season one where it's been established that Uther regretted not trusting Gaius.
I guess his fear of magic is just that great...plus we did have him delivering the death sentence with some reluctance and then not being able to watch Gaius burning at the stake.

Re follow-through with the M/A scenes...yes, I'm a huge shipper, but trying to be objective here, I still think we're really lacking in meaningful M/A conversations this year.

The Gwen 'leave Arthur to me' line was clearly shoehorned in there for the sake of that ship. It felt out of place.
However, I did enjoy Gwen sleuthing with Arthur.


analineblue November 11 2009, 13:34:13 UTC
Mm, yeah, that's a good point about him not being able to watch Gaius once he's down there. I think I just sometimes get frustrated with Uther being so...black and white? I want him to question things more, especially when he brings these outsiders in, instead of just allowing them to constantly run amok. XD;;

Yeah, I know I'm a little biased too, and so I'm really trying not to just only want MxA from the show, but... Even putting all that aside, I look back at last year, and the moments we had, and how firmly their friendship was established through conversations, etc., and all of that just seems to be missing this season. ;__;

I really enjoyed Gwen's sleuthing too. <3 That was one moment really felt like it could have been from last season for me, and... That made me smile. ^_~


tayles November 11 2009, 12:07:43 UTC
In defence of Uther (no, I don't believe I just wrote that either), I think a large part of him going along with the Witchfinder is because he feels kind of... that he called in the bastard, he has to go along with it now. The confession was in public in a full court - if Uther was lenient on Gaius he'd be seen as weak. 'It's ok if HE'S a sorceror, he's my friend. Everyone else? Burn away!' He couldn't do that ( ... )


analineblue November 11 2009, 13:28:39 UTC
Yeah, I can see that, and obviously we've seen Uther make that case before, of doing things to keep up appearances, etc. *nods* I guess I just wish he would have stepped up at some point to question the Witchfinder's methods for extracting this confession, maybe? Although, I don't know, I guess we're meant to assume that since he's brought the guy here, he knows of his practices and can't, like you said, forgo those methods just because Gaius is his friend? I guess in general I just wish sometimes that Uther would be a little more involved with what goes on in his castle. Instead of blindly trusting these people he brings in (it was much the same with...whatever that guy's name was in season one, the physician that came in and tried to discredit Gaius by saying he was too old, and then almost killed Uther? XD;;) and then not following up with what they do once they're there. XD ( ... )


tayles November 11 2009, 14:40:39 UTC
I think everyone knew about the Witchfinder's methods anyway. Uther did argue that Gaius wouldn't be able to stand it, but arseholewitchfinderdick argued him out of it. Uther actually came across as a bit of a pushover in this ep. I'm glad Gaius gave him the cold shoulder at the end.

Edwin. Yes, that was another 'no, Gaius, you've been my trusted friend and advisor, helped with the purges and my son's birth, BUT THIS CREEPY NEW GUY SAYS OTHERWISE SO I'M GOING TO BELIEVE HIM, TRALALA' case. Uther's a twat.

I think they're going to play up Morgana's magic later in the series - for the big finale. Maybe that one with the druids and her magic is another one that was shown out of order? Wait, but then her reaction in this one wouldn't have made sense. ARGH.


analineblue November 11 2009, 18:00:04 UTC
I was totally happy when Gaius said all of that at the end. Especially the bit about "no, I suffered at YOUR hand, you asshole" XDDD

Ah yes, Edwin. ^_~ That time Uther's horrible ability to judge character nearly killed him. XD;;

Mmm, yeah, that's a good point. I would assume that they wouldn't just bring it up and then drop it, and the finale would be an excellent time to bring it back. *crosses fingers* ....Well, I suppose if the druid/magic episode came after this, then her reactions could have been seen as foreshadowing? Maybe? @_@


subetehoshi November 11 2009, 16:43:04 UTC
Hear Hear! I completely agree.
Although, I too, loved this episode, I found it was somewhat off in regards to story line and characterizations. I feel like this is an episode that should of aired somewhere early last season; there were no plot advancements made at all...

But still, I can't wait for the next episode!


analineblue November 11 2009, 17:57:12 UTC
I really liked the episode too, honestly XD I do agree though that it felt a lot like more of the same, and really similar to the several episodes last season where Uther kind of goes off the deep end, and wrongly accuses people of things they didn't do (Gwen's father, most notably, maybe?) So yeah, definitely no plot advancement, and not too many bonus points for Uther learning his lesson :P

But yeah, I'm totally looking forward to next week too. ^_~


cienna November 11 2009, 19:13:02 UTC
I also agree completely with pretty much everything you said, especially in regards to Arthur and Merlin's relationship this season. The fact that their friendship was the entire focus of the last season makes the lack of attention to it this time around really jarring. It's like it's being completely ignored and all the scenes with them are cut short. I didn't actually think about Merlin appealing to Arthur as I was watching, but you're right, that would have made perfect sense! Merlin was desperate to save Gaius! There's no way that he wouldn't have confronted Arthur about it. Maybe we're just supposed to assume it happened off-screen? Seems like lazy writing to me ( ... )


analineblue November 11 2009, 20:27:12 UTC
I know, right? :( It's like all the sudden their relationship is the comic relief for the show, instead of the focus, and the point, you know? There have been several times that have seemed so WTF and weird to me that I just don't know what to think anymore! (I'm thinking specifically of Arthur throwing water on Merlin for no reason at all during that Lancelot episode. >_>) But yeah, it just feels like such a shift of focus from last year--almost as if the writers/producers suddenly decided that they didn't like the idea of a show about Merlin and Arthur's friendship, so they decided to try their hand at a more canon version of the myth?

And I agree, Morgana has really gotten the short end of the stick as far as pretty much everything goes this season. I LOVED that episode last year with her standing up to Uther! I really wish they'd at least just give her more screen time too. Half the time you forget she's even one of the main characters. >_<

I kind of feel like I'm already so disappointed that as long as things don't get worse ( ... )


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