Merlin RPS fic~

Apr 19, 2009 15:00

Well, I'm sure I knew this would happen sooner or later... >_> I just really couldn't help it, I guess? :P Plus, there was a contest. 8D

Title: Second Kiss
Author: analineblue
Fandom/Pairing: Merlin RPS; Bradley/Colin
Rating: PG-13 (for kissing, I guess? ^_~)
Warnings: None, worksafe.
Word Count: 2,081
Summary: The first kiss had been easy, it's the second one that Bradley's having a bit of a problem with.
Disclaimer: This is fiction. *nod*
Author's Notes: Written for bradleycolin's RPS challenge #1. Chosen prompt = 04. The second kiss and/or the second time. Many thanks to hitome_bore for pre-reading and encouragement. <3

Let me know what you think? This is actually pretty much my first time writing RPS that doesn't involve Tuti and Nagayan, so... Yeah. XD; Thoughts/impressions/comments would all be very much appreciated. ^_~

The first kiss had been easy.

They’d both been a little drunk, naturally, Colin maybe a little more than a little, but it wasn’t as if Bradley had forced him or anything.

He remembered Colin being pretty damn compliant, actually.

They’d been the last two out of the bar, and as they made their way back through the narrow streets, the castle jutting out above the smaller buildings here and there, white and majestic and kind of mysterious, when you just caught it out of the corner of your eye in the darkness like this, Bradley had simply snaked a hand around Colin’s waist--that’s how it had started.

Then he’d tugged on Colin’s wrist a little, and met his eyes (they’d been soft, but clear), and Colin’s lips had just been there, full and flushed and inviting, and Colin had opened his mouth a little, probably to question what the hell was going on, but Bradley hadn’t given him the chance. He’d just moved in a little closer, fingers tight around Colin’s wrist as he pulled that lanky, too-skinny frame towards him, close enough so that he could breathe Colin in-he smelled like smoke from the bar, and beer, naturally, but there was something else too, something Bradley couldn’t help but want more of, and want to be closer to-and then he’d just kissed him, just like that.

There’d been no real resistance on Colin’s part, just a tense little gasp of surprise against Bradley’s lips before everything turned hazy, and warm, and comfortable between them. Bradley had been surprised, really. He hadn’t expected it to feel so not-weird, having his co-star, his friend (on a good day), pressed up against him like this. Not that he’d thought about this before now, of course, but… Still. It was kind of nice, really.

Until he could feel himself getting hard, could feel his jeans tightening around him uncomfortably, to the point where he kind of really just wanted to push Colin a little more, just grind up against those bony hips until he got himself well and truly off, but actually, that really did seem kind of weird, so… He’d stopped. The slightly surprised and almost disappointed flash of light in Colin’s eyes had made Bradley shiver, before he’d turned on his heel and walked away, trusting Colin to follow, which of course he had, eventually.

Maybe Bradley had been afraid?

Of everything, and nothing, and just because it had been Colin, maybe, because Bradley genuinely liked Colin, and that made it all a little awkward, but… Either way it didn’t matter anymore, because he definitely wasn’t scared now.

Now all he wanted was to do it all over again, but Colin was, of course, making this as difficult as humanly possible.

He doesn’t really get why though, because if Bradley knows anything (and he does, thank-you-very-much, Colin) he knows that he’s damn good at this, and he knows too that if the way Colin had been looking at him before that night had been any indication, Colin hadn’t exactly been adverse to the idea of… well, of having all that happen, and maybe even a little more.

The only problem was that if Colin had any recollection of what had happened that night, or if he had any desire whatsoever to have anything like that happen again, he hadn’t let on one bit.
No awkward glances, no questions, no nothing.

Business as usual.

And Bradley can think of half a dozen incidents involving fellow cast members where he would have given his right arm for it to be this easy, but with Colin, somehow, it’s just incredibly frustrating.

Of course the obvious solution is to just ask him. It’s not as if Colin’s going to bite Bradley’s head off just for asking, right?

The problem is, he really has no idea what he would ask.

So, remember that night I pulled you into that amazing kiss that seemed to last forever? Oh, you don’t? Never mind then, just kidding.

No. There’s no way he can have that conversation with Colin. He’d never hear the end of it.

And this is the point where Bradley is forced to admit to himself that he really has no idea what to do, or what to think, because in the end, Colin is weird and mysterious and completely different from anyone Bradley’s ever known, and he just doesn’t really get him.

Not all of him, anyway.

Not the part of him who would act like this if he did remember, and not the part of him who would honestly forget such a… well, it had felt pretty nice, and maybe even important, really, drunk or not.


Because there doesn’t seem to be any other option, for a while, Bradley just tries to be smug about the whole thing.

It had been good, he knows it had been, and he knows Colin knows (probably) and so there was no reason to think that they wouldn’t just do it again at some point.

And if he has to convince Colin of this first, fine-he’ll convince him if it’s the last thing he does this summer.

No problem.

His jokes aren’t exactly met with the reaction he hopes for though. His offhanded quips, and casual mentions of his conquests in the past (which are supposed to make Colin realize how great he is at all this), are barely met with a nod or a flash of amusement. His pointed staring at Colin’s lower lip isn’t met with even the faintest glimmer of understanding, and certainly nothing resembling an invitation for another go at it.

It’s also possible that Colin is avoiding him, but Bradley can’t really be sure.

He hasn’t been out to the bars with any kind of consistency for the better part of two weeks though.

For days on end he’s been too tired, or has had other plans, which is rubbish, because no one has plans here, or he’s insisted on studying, even though Bradley knows he has all summer to finish whatever paper thing he’s been working on. If he does come out, he shows up hours late, with Katie, and they bow their heads together, making lewd jokes at everyone’s expense all night, which Bradley finds positively disturbing, and makes him end up turning in early because he just can’t sit there and listen to them without thinking… things.

Colin really is making this impossible, and right now, Bradley kind of hates him for it.


Shooting has finished for the day but Colin is waiting for something-or-other (a script revision, Bradley thinks he said) and so Bradley’s just hanging around on the steps of the castle, hoping it doesn’t look as obvious as it feels, his being out here like this.

He kind of misses Colin though. There hasn’t been a familiar knock on his door in forever, and every time he tries to catch Colin at breakfast he’s already gone, and it’s been the same with everything lately.

But now, since Colin is out here waiting anyway, Bradley figures he’s a captive audience, for once.

First, he recounts the spectacular display of drunken stupidity that had been him and Angel on the way home last night -- something that involved an extremely ill-fated prank, and Anthony’s Ipod -- which actually has Colin smiling at him, and then… He just says it.

“So do you think it’s possible to get so drunk that you’d forget… things?” Bradley asks, casually. “Things you did, I mean,” he clarifies.

He has no idea where the question has come from, and he’s even less sure about the idea to ask Colin about this now, when it’s been far too long to even pretend that it’s relevant anymore, using any normal sense of logic.

“What, you mean is it theoretically possible?” Colin stares at him as if he’s about five years old, and slow. “Of course. Happens all the time.”

“To you?”

“Not usually, no.”

“Not usually, but… How often, would you say?”

“In my entire life? Twice,” Colin answers easily, eyes falling to the script in his hands. “Maybe three times.”

“Hmm,” is all Bradley can think of to say.

“Bradley,” Colin says after a minute or so passes, Colin staring at his script without turning the page, and Bradley pretending to be studying the cobblestones on the ground, while the tech guys hurriedly move around them, covering the equipment since there’s a chance of rain tonight, as always.

Bradley raises his eyes at Colin, and turns his head so that he’s almost looking him in the face.

“I never said I didn’t remember,” Colin says evenly.

“Yeah, right. Acted, is more like it.”

“You never asked.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Bradley,” and Colin’s eyes are flashing now, “because that’s what people do when…” Colin pauses, glaring. “Never mind.”

“When what?”

“When they don’t want everything to stop after one bloody drunken kiss, okay!”

Bradley looks around, but there’s really no one out here now, just them, and the black sky above Pierrefonds, and one lone tech guy so far across the square there’s no way he could hear this ridiculous argument, which doesn’t sound like a lover’s quarrel at all, even if he was paying them any attention, which he’s not.

“I never said that,” Bradley says, staring at Colin.

“No, you didn’t say anything.”

“I didn’t know what to say!”

“That’s no excuse.”

“Sure it is.”

“Maybe for you. I happen to think it’s a really shit way of explaining things.”

“Come on… It wasn’t that bad.” Bradley is pouting a little now-he takes a half-step towards Colin, not sure where he’s taking his lead from, but completely sure of himself all the same. “Was it?”

Colin stares at him for a long moment, before he sighs, and really meets Bradley’s eyes for what feels like the first time in forever.

“No. It was… quite good, really,” Colin says, and his eyes are big and dark and warm and Bradley thinks he could get lost in them like this. And he’s not even drunk.

The lights are out all around them now too, so it’s just them, out there in the moonlight, with the castle as backdrop, and their shadows stretching alongside them like ghosts in the semi-darkness.

Bradley really, really wants Colin to drop his script, and move towards him. He wants those wiry, strong arms around his waist, and he wants to feel Colin’s stubble on his chin, he wants to kiss him, for real this time, knowing that Colin wants this, and that they’re not just being stupid and drunk, and then suddenly, while he’s thinking all of this at once, Colin grabs his arm, pulling them into a thin patch of darkness, and kisses him.

This time it’s heady and strong and focused and everything their first kiss wasn’t. Colin nips at his lips hungrily, teases him with his tongue, sucks on the corner of Bradley’s mouth until his lips part and their tongues slide together, and the friction makes Bradley shiver, and Colin moan a little, somewhere deep in his throat. Colin’s hands move up from around his waist until Bradley feels fingertips brushing against his ears, and his neck, as Colin steadies them for a better angle and then presses in, and everything turns deep and hot and a little more serious.

Just as things are starting to feel downright urgent, they pull away, or rather, Bradley pulls away, suddenly remembering that Colin was waiting for someone out here, before all this happened, and as much as he’s enjoying this, he’s really not sure if they’re ready to deal with the consequences of doing this out in the open where someone might actually see them.

“You were,” Bradley starts, catching his breath, “you were waiting for someone?” He gestures to the discarded script at Colin’s feet, and watches as Colin just shakes his head. “Maybe we should…?”

“No one’s coming.”


“Trust me.”

“I’m just-” Bradley stops, because Colin has placed several long fingers against his lips. No one’s ever shut Bradley up like this before. He stares at Colin, a little incredulous.

“I was waiting for you, you bastard.”

It takes Bradley a moment, but then he gets it, all of it, and when he does, well…

Brilliant, he thinks, really brilliant, and pulls Colin in for another kiss, his lead this time.


Thank so much for reading! ^_^

merlin, fic

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