... I feel like this happens nearly every day though, so why I'm surprised, I'm really not sure. But... Once again it is noon, and once again I have accomplished nothing!! Nothing at all! Not work work, or fic work, or catching up on anything at all work, or... anything. It's wierd. I don't know what I've been doing, but it has certainly not been productive. *sigh*
And just in case committing it here will improve my chances of cheering up... Here's my short list of things that need to occur right now for me to be at least moderately happy (I don't think I'm asking for much, but...^_~):
1. Nippon-Export needs to email me and tell me that Nagayan's full-length CD is going to become available, or... I'm going to cry, ok? *sniff* Because... Nya... It's been a WEEK. And no response. I'm getting worried.
2. My boss needs to get his stupid fat ass out of my office. Immediately. Or at least he needs to turn his cell phone's speaker function off because right now there is so much unnecessary chatter going on that I'm going to scream. Did I mention that I hate him?? *sparkle* XD
3. The damn stupid building inspector needs to show up so that I can go to lunch! How does past noon qualify as his last appointment in the morning?? It's not morning anymore, and I'm hungry. *pout*
Anyway, yeah, that's been my morning. ^___^
//end rant//