Title: Float
Author: analine
Pairings: TutixNagayan, NagayanxKimeru
Word Count: 4,591
Warnings: yaoi
Rating: PG-13
Notes: For
kooriyoukai and
lizstarsky :)
Comments/thoughts are greatly appreciated. ^_^
Disclaimer: No basis in reality.
x-posted to
tutixnagayan (
Float )
And nya...my weekend is sucking ass right now! Although I got a pic done and I'm almost finished with chapter 10 but....grr i've just been in a pissed off mood ever since yesterday and I have this constant headache that wont go away...>__<
but anyways...you know how i was supposed to go camping with glenda, rob, alex, tim, tims brother and his friend? Well my parents didnt know because I told them my trip with glenda and her mom was off due to her stepdad going to chicago on call and that I was just going to be spending the weekend at her house ((when really everyone was going to pick us up)) It was going good but...lately my dad has been getting into this habit of going through everything on my computer...just randomly! And I left for her house so fast that I forgot to close her IM which was all about camping and stuff and he read it and sent my mom to get me right as we were about to leave. So I havent talked to my dad since, and I'm still going to work at WW but if I act strangly around him just try to ignore it because I hold strong grudges when ppl invade my privicy...
and also, a BIG thing aside from camping thats making my weekend horrible is that JJ's little brother was shot in the ribs late last night around 3 and ((although i always hated this asshole (hes 17) but i feel sorry for him at the same time)) now I have to be with JJ like 24/7 because his parents hate him and refuse to talk to him at the hospital when they're sitting in the waiting room literally 2 feet away from eachother. Its not that I dont mind being with him, but I hate his parents so much!! and i really hate them because they told jj ((i wasnt there when they said it but)) that if he had been home with them and not at the house he ran away to when the house was robbed then HE would have been the one that would have been in the hospital and it would be much easier on them. UGH I FUCKING HATE THEM! grrrrr >__< this just isnt my weekend...
So have you been at the hospital with JJ? That's crazy that his house was robbed! Does he live near you? Wow... It's good that you're spending time with him though, if his parents are that mean... I can't believe they said that! *shakes head* Some people just really don't deserve to have kids...*sigh*
Well, I hope you get some writing done, and that the weekend gets better? At least just immerse yourself in writing, and forget about everything else, ne? *hugs*
Oh yeah, the KimexNagayan fic you mentioned up there? Which would that be?? XD
and yeah, i couldnt believe it when he said his parents house was robbed! they live in flint but he lives several blocks away from me...see, his parents hate him because he dropped out of school and ran away to live with his best friend when he was seventeen ((who they stupidly accused him of being gay for)) and now their family is really broken up, not that JJ cares because hes doing REALLY well without them...
and yup, I'm trying to just write and right now everything sounds really confusing to me because im frusterated and thats not the mood thats supposed to be set at this point...and so when it gets really bad, to the point where i cant write, i just draw ((getting back to that one meme lol)) but yeah I just want to send you what I have write now to see if you can make any sence of it. **sigh**
hehe and I cant think of the title of that pic off the top of my head, although I know you read it because I saw your comment. It was a smut about Kime and Takashi in a shower.But I swear for the life of me I cant remember who wrote it or the title! ^_^;;
And *nods*, with your dad, I'm sure it will work out, given some time. The passwords are definately a good idea though. ^_^
And hmm... Feel free to send me anything you have for chapter ten... I'll try to help if I can... ^__^
and chapter ten is going to be kinda short...just because its mainly Pisces saying goodbye and stuff, and theres no Sasha and its hard not to write something without him :( hehe but i'll probably finish it in a half hour...fortyfive minutes? Will you be up and willing to get a massive headache from trying to read it? hehe either way I'll send it to you... i'm kinda thinking of pulling what you did and adding this to chapter ten, because so far its only 8 pages long and I can only see it going up to nine pages, maybe ten if I'm lucky? And I dont think thats a suitable amount of pages for a chapter, personally, but I may be wrong. ^_^;;
I shall be up and waiting for chapter ten... so... *cracks whip* XD
I'm working on chapter 3, btw so hopefully I can continue to spam tutixnagayan with more stuff very soon. ;) I swear, I've written more this week than pretty much ever before. And I can't seem to stop. *rushes off to bed!Tuti* la la la ... I know you have no idea what I'm talking about, so just... don't mind me. ;)
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