ellacrain Goodbye
kewliopenguin Goodbye
zuo See ya in November.
(My birthday is November 19th so I'm expecting you guys to return bearing gifts
Or you can just get me something at Oni-con :D)
(Not only is that list in alphabetical order, but it is also the order you guys will be leaving me....)
Irony. Irony. Irony. Irony. Irony.
First Michael Phelps won by one one-hundredth of a second.
Then Dara Torres lost by one one-hundredth of a second.
But still she is forty-one years old.
Pretty amazing.
Oh yeah and Phelps broke the record and won his eighth consecutive gold medal.
Title: The Play has been Performed; Applaud!
Edit (4:23 AM)
Okay this was too funny to pass up.