Feb 09, 2009 17:02
1. I hate Christmas's trees, and I still can't figured out why.
2. I want to study again. I feel this need to start again. So, this year I'll be back at school!
3. I still can't find a way to stop smoking. I want to, but can't. I'm a failure at this.
4. I miss one of my piercings, the one that was on my tongue.
5. I have had two surgeries done; one on my right eye when I was 5 years old and one last year, and that last one was probably one of the best thing that could happened to me, I was finally free of something that has been bugging me since I was 13 years old.
6. I have a large family, I love all of them, but I'm missing someone every single day: my cousin, because he lives in Spain with his daughter.
7. I've only travel abroad ONCE in my life. It was the first time I jumped into a plane. I was 22 years old and I was so nervous I didn't realized the boy (cute I must addmit) sitting next to me, was actually hitting on me. Yeah, I know, L-A-M-E!
8. When my mom and dad told me they were getting a divorce I couldn't be more happy. It was the best thing it could happened to all 4 of us. I guess I'm not one of those children that have something negative to say according to their parent's divorce.
9. I still have a hard time listening at one of Pink Floyd's song (Wish you were here) I don't like when my head and heart are dueling on the past.
10. I have 6 tattoos... and I want to remove two of them... I guess I was a kid when I had them and I didn't realized someday I might wanna use a wedding dress.
11. Meeting my boyfriend was (and still is, of course) one of the best thing that could ever happen to me. I'm so proud of him and I don't understand what he sees in me. I thank God for him every night. I couldn't think or imagine a better companion than him.
12. Sometimes I wish I can keep in touch with the rest of my family more often, not just birthdays, or a few Holidays. (Specially with my dad's family)
13. I'm thankful to certain band (wink wink!) because it was because of them that I met some of the coolest people on the globe and I can truly called some of them friends.
14. On the other hand, I don't understand why I'm growing apart from two friends of mine. I should probably says "it's life" but I don't like it. Not a bit!
15. 10 more items to go. I don't know what else to say! XD
16. If I can ask for something right now, that would be to OWN my own place. I hate wasting money on rent. But I live in a shitty country, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
17. I cry a lot. Alone. And I love it. Yeah, I guess that's a guilty pleasure. Should I be calling a shrink or something?
18. I love doing nothing, being in bed with my pajamas and DO NOTHING. Maybe some reading, watching TV or a film, or just sleeping and slacking.
19. I don't like wearing any make-up at all unless it is really necessary (special event or something)
20. Sometimes I think that if I could turn back time, I would probably be still living in Spain. I guess I was a coward back then.
21. Yeah, I forgot to mention it; the only time I traveled abroad was to live alone in Spain.
22. I've only been in love twice in my life, of course second time is my actual relationship.
23. I've tried a couple of illegal substances while I was younger, and I don't regret the experience.
24. I can't save money, if I have a spare cent, I have to spend it. It's annoying and I want to change that.
25. Yeah, there is no #25
about me,
!lj meme,