Feb 19, 2007 17:45
Hey everyone just wanted to invite you all to a festival at chapman college in the oc. So britt and phe i better see you guys there to support us lol. The songs are some of the most beautiful songs i have ever heard. If you don't know in sister act 2 thats really chapmans chamber singers who sings joyful joyful in the gold robes. Just a fun fact for you all. Anyways they are really good as well as us. Also many other colleges will be there so for those of you who go to usc or cal state sanberdo or redlands come show support for your schools. The festival is this friday the high schools go at 3 and we are after the high schools so i would say get there by 5. i hope to see you all there.
Now for just a general update on life. My dad turned 50 today! I am so happy for him making it this far. For those of you who don't know my dad has been diagnosed with heart disease. The doctors at first were giving him a year to live but now after healthy eating, and exercise on his part they give him 3 years. Its so hard to live day by day wondering if he is going to be there the next. :_( i can just see us in my back yard playing catch or taking me to angel games when i was younger. Church on sundays and ice cream afterwords as we go to bowling at tava lanes. Its so hard. To have your dad look you in the eye and say to you "dan i don't know how much longer i have with you." Breaks whatevers left of my heart that has not already been shattered into a million pieces. I love him with all my heart and i only ask please for your prayers in this matter.
I have been doing alot of soul searching lately as i sit on the stage at the pantages after work, or sitting quietly in a practice room at school. You know people quote these sayings such as "life is to short so party it up" or something of that nature and act in the most retarded way possible. Yeah life is short so don't waste time on it partying idiot. If you worry about getting your experiences you will only lose so much time it could be takin to get to your goals. I use to think man I am 19 now i need to party and get wasted so i don't regret not doing it. I know first hand that there are people that are going to read this who have felt the same way or have used this for an excuse. Man how stupid are we.. All that time spent worrying and wanting to get trashed or party or date just cause we can.. could have been time spent with family, or extra time to study to make that d in math a c or time given back to god for those of us that are catholic. You know yeah life is short. The fun times come when you reach your max potential in life not when you reach your max blood alcohol level, not when you find a hot guy or girl. All that shit is worthless.
I use to do alot of that. But thank God I stopped. i concentrate on school now i work 2 jobs I still find time for my friends and i go to church now every sunday no matter how tired i am or what i have going on. I don't go out every night i spend time with my dad and other family members more and i still love the same person i always said i have. Over the past couple months i have been completely truthful to myself and everyone around me. I do admit that earlier in the year I wasn't truthful to someone i care the world for,and i hurt them as deap as anyone can be hurt. I just want to say espically to that person and to all of you that i am sorry. Sorry to have lied to a friend of both of ours sorry to have ever caused any pain or harm towards anyone. I screwed up royally on my part and i hope you can all forgive me even though some of you are prolly reading this like what the hell is he talking about, just please accept my appology and let me know that you still care about me like i still care about all of you.
I miss you all so much and I hope that this finds you all in good spirits. There are so many other things on my mind that i wish i could say but for now i will leave it at that. I hope you all can come and see me perform on friday. Also it would be nice to hear from you all so drop me a line. I love you all goodnight.