I should probably have given this a title when I wrote it

May 25, 2010 12:00

Still waiting on the Disney pictures, since they were on my parents' digital camera, and therefore now are on my dad's computer. I really need a new digital camera of my own, since my old one sucks hardcore <.<; So instead, here are some pictures from Otakon last year of our Okami costumes! *cough*almostayearlater*cough*

First we have me as Amaterasu:

Next we have Boots as Issun:

And then we have the both of us! Ain't we cute?

And who would we be if we didn't do something mushy and adorable?

So there you have it. That isn't all of the pictures that were taken at the shoot, but they are what I feel are the best ones. Hopefully I'll soon be able to take some pictures of the costumes I'm planning for this year (or at least the progress thereof) and get to post them, but we'll see.

cosplay, okami, issun, amaterasu

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