"Git Child Bastard" by Kookoolaka - TheBoyWhoLivedABit artwork

Oct 29, 2007 22:52

I don't know how many of you are on InsaneJournal and/or have been following the Snarry Games over there for the past month, but I really mustmustMUST alert you all to this particular beautiful piece of Snarry art! And, yes, of course I'm biased in this particular instance, but that doesn't preclude me from being right either. ;D

The lovely kookoolaka, a long-time fan of my The Boy Who Lived A Bit universe, sought my permission to attempt a TBWLAB art piece for her contribution to Team Romance in this year's art Snarry Games. Humbled and thrilled, I of course gave her a resounding "OooohYES!!". The result is beautiful and terribly romantic, I'm sure you'll agree.

http://asylums.insanejournal.com/snarry_games/144958.html [Edit: it's Not Worksafe, btw. Shoulda remembered to say that yesterday. *shy grin*]

Please, everyone - head along to the Snarry Games on InsaneJournal and check out kookoolaka's work. And if you're eligible to do so, please vote. Go Team Romance!! :)
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