Jun 14, 2009 18:53
Note 19
I’ll never forget you as long as I live. You’re my friend right now.
I know what really happened in the Senate, even though you didn’t tell me. I heard from one of the other handmaidens (again I tried to find you but couldn’t), and they said that the Senate would not listen to the Queen. AHHHHHHHH! The Senate wouldn’t believe the queen? That’s not right. You should have had her get me. I would have told the Senate a thing or two….and I would have made them listen. That makes me mad that they wouldn’t listen to her. I get REALLY angry when I see injustices, and I’m never afraid to speak my mind. If you ever get in a situation like that, get me. I’ll take them down. When things aren’t fair…….oh…….that just makes me so mad.
You made it sound like the Senate just didn’t agree to give your planet help. It was MUCH worse than that, but you didn’t tell me. L
You said the old Supreme Chancellor will be replaced by a new one. I hope it’s a nice one who helps your planet. Maybe it could be Palpatine. I met him. I’ll tell you more about that later. I hope the Queen made the right decision.
No, the Council said I couldn’t be trained. They even told Qui-Gon that! They wouldn’t lie to him. They won’t let me…they made a decision…no. L (cries)
I found out the name of that little nasty looking troll guy that didn’t like me. I asked Qui-Gon, and he told me that that guy’s name is Yoda (he also told me himself), and that he is a leading member of the Jedi Council. I guess I better not pick a fight with him, but…….he won’t let me become a Jedi!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think that’s fair, and it’s really making me mad. I’m really mad about that, and about the Senate not believing your Queen. I feel like punching someone right now. Yes, Yoda is really that short. It at least satisfies me to know that I could beat him up if I wanted to. He has these annoying pointed ears that I just want to yank. I had a dream about beating him up. I woke up laughing. I don’t care if that’s not very nice. He’s not being very nice to me by not letting me become a Jedi. I know they could tell how badly I wanted to be a Jedi. It looks like I never will.
If I never become a Jedi….I’ll never be able to rescue my mother. At least if I were a Jedi, I could beat Watto up and force him to let all the slaves go. That would be fun.
I can tell that the situation in the Senate is worrying you. I don’t like seeing you sad, and I don’t like what happened to Naboo. Something should be done.
You know what happened that was really surprising? Senator Palpatine, who I was scared of before (it was him that I didn’t like before), came up to me and started talking to me while I was crying. (I sat down and cried for half an hour after the Jedi Council rejected me.) This is what happened:
I went and sat in the hallway all by myself and started crying. I’ve never been on my own before, and I’ve never been away from my mother! I don’t know if I’ll die soon or what will happen to me. I was sitting there alone, and Senator Palpatine came up to me. The first couple times I saw him I was scared of him, and I was scared of him when he came up to me and tried to put a hand on me. I’m not sure why I was scared. Maybe it was because when I was little I had this reoccurring bad dream where there was this old man that wanted me dead…and he would chase me around, but the old man had yellow eyes, and he was mean (I think I already told you about that dream). I used to wake up crying, and my mother would always tell me that it was a silly dream, and that no old man would ever want me dead, and that no one looked like that. Ever since that dream, I’ve always been afraid of old men…and for some reason Palpatine reminded me of the old man in my dream. I know it’s silly. Anyway, I was scared of him. He started talking to me, but he was really nice. This was our conversation:
He went up to me and asked me, “What’s wrong, little boy?”
I said, “The Jedi Council won’t let me become a Jedi, and they’re mean. They said I’m too old. And I miss my mother…she’s still a slave. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. I don’t know if I’ll die.”
He said, “Oh? You’re the little boy from Tatooine then? The former slave? I’ve heard all about you. Your name is Anakin Skywalker, right?”
I nodded.
He said, “Well, Anakin, it is a pleasure to meet you. I’m Sepr…I mean Senator Palpatine. So you’re Force Sensitive?”
I said, “I guess. I don’t know….Qui-Gon thinks I am, and he wanted me to become a Jedi, but I don’t know if I passed the Council’s tests.”
Palpatine said, “That’s interesting. The Council members are fools if they won’t let you train. But don’t worry, Anakin…I’m a politician. Perhaps I can find something for you to do. You could work for me…I need assistants. It was a pleasure meeting with you, and I look forward to talking to you later. Sadly, I must go and see what my informants have to say.”
And he left me there. He is so nice! So that means that Palpatine will let me work for him in politics! He’s the nicest grown-up I have ever met (besides my mother.) He doesn’t look down on me for being 10 years old, and he can give me a job!
Now I won’t have to starve to death because someone actually wants me!
What’s wrong with being mad at people? They’re being unfair. Don’t I have a right to be mad? They’re ruining my life long dream. My mother said it’s okay to be angry when someone does something you don’t like, as long as you don’t act on that anger. How would you like it if someone said you couldn’t be a handmaiden anymore? Would you like that?
I don’t think the Jedi will change their mind. They’re all against me. Mace Windu, the head of the Jedi Council even said that there are things about me that the Council doesn’t like. Obi-Wan hates me. Qui-Gon’s the only Jedi in the galaxy that likes me, but he can’t do much against all the other Jedi. The Council’s decision seemed pretty final, although they said that they would decide my future later. Whatever that means.
I hope Palpatine gets the Supreme Chancellor position, because he’s really nice.
What could Qui-Gon do to get me trained? Obi-Wan is already his apprentice, and he’s not allowed to take on another. I heard the Council tell him that. Another thing, none of the other Council members are in favor of my training. It looks like I’ll NEVER get to be a Jedi now. It just isn’t fair!
I wonder what my mother would say if she were here? I wish she could have come with us! I love her very much, and I don’t like not being with her. Maybe…maybe if you kissed me it would make me feel better. You said you wished there was something you could do. No girl has ever kissed me before. Would you kiss me?
We’re going back to Naboo now? I heard Qui-Gon mention that (and you said it too). I can’t wait! Qui-Gon just told me I could come with you, so yes I will be coming! I want to help! What’s the Queen’s plan for defeating the stinking Trade Federation?
I overheard Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon talking about me…Obi-Wan was saying that I was dangerous, and that the entire Council thought so. I don’t think that’s right. Why do they think I’m dangerous? I have done nothing. They just judged me by my appearance. That’s not fair.
The Gunags have a big army? What is this army going to do? How are we going to defeat the Trade Federation.
I miss you when you’re not around me too. I like it when I am around you.
Qui-Gon told me to get in the ship now, so I guess I gotta go. I want to see your planet!
I gotta go now….I’ll finish this once we get to Naboo.
I’m back….
We are now on our way to Naboo. I can’t wait until we land…your planet must be beautiful, since you’re from it.
I’m glad that I got to come with you to Naboo. It’ll be so much fun, and we can show the dumb Trade Federation what we’re made of, right?
But what if people treat you unfairly or are mean to you. Doesn’t that give you a right to be angry. It also makes me mad when I see it happening to other people. That’s the only time I get angry, honest. (Either when someone does something unfair to me, or to someone else). Ask my mother. I’m really not an angry person, and I really don’t get angered easily.
Yoda isn’t a person; he’s a nasty, ugly, green troll! I HATE HIM.
Yes, I think it was nice of Senator Palpatine to help me too. He’s such a nice person. He’s one of my favorite grownups…along with my mom and Qui-Gon. I have to worry about my mom. She’s all alone, and what if someone tries to beat her? There will be no one there to protect her. I don’t know what she’s going to do without me, because I was like her entire life.
What do you think the Gungans will say when we ask them for help? Are all the gungans like Jar-Jar? If so, I don’t WANT to meet them. I think Jar-Jar is annoying sometimes. Jar-Jar is going to help the Queen talk to the Gungans. Be careful because he might mess it up.
Our ship will be landing soon, so I’ll have to talk to you later.
I’m back again….
Padmé… or should I say Queen Amidala….um…I don’t know what to call you anymore.
Umm…………………………I don’t know what to say to you now. I mean you’re the queen. How come you never told me?
I’m glad the Gungans are going to help us. What exactly are you planning to do. Qui-Gon wouldn’t tell me anything, and I want to know what’s going on. What are we going to do now?
Your planet is very nice. It has BIG plants like you said it is. I’ve never seen these kinds of plants. What are the REALLY big ones that are part wood called? They’re the strangest things I’ve ever seen. They have all that green stuff at the top. Are they baby plants that grow out of the wood?
I didn’t know you were THE QUEEN. If I would have known that, I wouldn’t have thought that I would marry you. What an idiot I was.
Can I be your first male handmaiden if I don’t become a Jedi? Maybe I could do it on the side. I want to protect you.
I’m tired. I miss my mom. I’ve never been away from her.
I’ve never seen so much water! Jar-Jar asked me if I knew how to swim. I told him no…I don’t know how to swim. What is swimming? I’ve never heard of it. I assume that it has something to do with water because he used the word right when he was looking at the water.
Well Obi-Wan doesn’t like me. He never talks to me and he has this annoyed look on his face, plus I over heard him talking to Qui-Gon, saying that I was dangerous. I could tell I was getting in the way, but I don’t want to ruin their relationship. I think he is jealous of me.
I don’t understand why you think that they will train me. You weren’t even at the Jedi Council meeting.
But…some things are so unfair. I don’t like unfair things. Do you? Doesn’t the Naboo Invasion make you mad? I didn’t know you were the queen, but still….you don’t know what happened in the Council.
What has my mother been telling you recently?
I really like you….but I feel stupid about having a crush on you now. Why didn’t you just tell me you were the Queen? Then I wouldn’t have held on to my feelings, and they wouldn’t have developed. That was mean of you!
Can you show me what a fish is? What is all the green stuff on the ground? It’s so weird here.
Thanks for not telling Sabe I was up late.
Anakin Skywalker