Alright, alright, it's taken some time but the banners for Challenge 31 are here now. Congratulations to all the winners - again. Your icons were gorgeous - again. I repeat myself everytime I post the banners, haha.
Anyway, I do hope you like your banners and have fun showing them around and bragging with them, haha. You'll see they'll look quite similar to the promotion banner I made tonight, but I hope that's okay for you :))
laury_kosshadowshamrockpokecharmunwritten_panicaubreys_master Don't forget to enter the
current challenge until March 2nd. Thank you.
Please help promoting
anakin_icontest by spreading the promotion banner below. Just copy&paste the code in the textarea underneath the banner, thank you.">" border="0" alt="Anakin_Icontest @ LJ.Com">