Thanks to all participants and congratulations to the winners! The banners will be done by
senbonzakura77 (if you can't, please, let me know). And the banners for the ch. 15 and the header ch. will be posted this week, they're almost finished, unsure about tomorrow, the study ends pretty late for me.
Don't forget to participate in the current challenge. Only one person (♥) sent her works and definitely should be more to choose from.
ENTER CHALLENGE 17 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Most creative
Best coloring
Best theme
Best crop
Mod's choise
moulin01 senbonzakura77 senbonzakura77 senbonzakura77 haydens_angel81 mlledefer pokecharm that-fliesMod's choise: adorable moment, simple but nice crop and coloring. Welcome! :)
1) 7 (2+2+3)
2) 5 (2+1+1+1)
3) 1
4) 0
5) 2
6) 9 (2+1+1+2+1+2) SECOND PLACE
7) 20 (3+3+3+3+3+2+3) FIRST PLACE
8) 7 (3+1+3)
9) 0
10) 0
11) 0
12) 4 (1+3)
13) 0
14) 3
15) 8 (1+2+3+2) THIRD PLACE
16) 0
17) 1
18) 1
19) 2
20) 2
Most creative
17) 3 votes
7), 19) 2 votes
3), 12), 15), 20) 1 vote
Best coloring
3) 3 votes
4) 2 votes
2), 7), 8), 10), 12), 18) 1 vote
Best theme
19) 3 votes
6), 15) 2 votes
4), 7), 13), 18) 1 vote
Best crop
5) 4 votes
6), 8) 2 votes
1), 2), 18) 1 vote