Congratulations to the winners!!! &hearts
1st place
2nd place3rd placeMost creativeMod's choice
laury_kos5 points
vexena_sky4 points
narniacmr3 points
laury_kos2 points
shadowshamrock1 point
Since I didn't vote I'm posting my comment here (I may write additional comments when I'll be sending the feedback to the makers).
Mod's choice: the colouring of this icon is very delicate - greatly luminous and airy tones that remind of a sunset were able to show all details without using high contrast to highlight them - and the image is flawlessly cropped out of the original background. Clearly defined by the light texture hair contour is very beautiful!
1) 14 (2+3+3+3+2+1) FIRST PLACE
2) 2 (1+1)
3) 2 (1+1)
4) 0
5) 8 (3+2+3) THIRD PLACE
6) 5 (2+1+2)
7) 11 (2+2+3+1+3) SECOND PLACE
Most creative
1) 6 votes
3) 1 vote
PLEASE, TELL ME IF YOU DON'T MIND THE FEEDBACK ABOUT YOUR ICONS BEING PUBLIC - then, starting from the next theme, I will post it in an unscreened comment. Otherwise, it will be delivered through a private message, as usually.
I will send the comments and post the new voting tomorrow morning. Award banners for the winners of the first themes will be made by me soon.
The new regular challenge will be posted on Monday.
Thank you very much for the attention! :)