Hi! Here is results of Challenge 102! Thank you very much to everyone who voted and congratulations to all the winners! &hearts
Part 1 - Minimalistic
1st place
2nd place3rd placeBest cropBest colouringMod's choice
shadowshamrock laury_kos _nisa_ esper_aroon _nisa_ mark_pierre Mod's choice (by
sith_romantic): wonderful bright yet natural colouring and great crop, that are very hard to achieve on this image, and just right amount of sharpness that gives the dreamy look to the icon. Beautiful work!
Part 2 - Complex
1st place
2nd place3rd placeBest blendMost creativeMod's choice
unwritten_panic shadowshamrock shadowshamrock shadowshamrock shadowshamrock ladyhadhafang Mod's choice (by
sith_romantic): great theme and great realization: wise composition - the image of young Anakin behind, like the window to the past, while the placement of pictures and text concentrates the watcher's attention on the "present" events; the used texture underlines the tears on angel's face. Very striking!
Part 1
1) 8 (3+2+3)
2) 0
3) 0
4) 0
5) 0
6) 9 (2+3+1+1+1+1)
7) 1
8) 0
9) 5 (1+1+3)
10) 10 (2+3+3+2) THIRD PLACE (5 votes in tie-breaker)
11) 3 (2+1)12) 9 (3+2+1+3)
13) 0
14) 0
15) 2
16) 0
17) 0
18) 10 (1+2+3+2+2) SECOND PLACE (9 votes in tie-breaker)
19) 0
20) 3
21) 4 (1+3)
22) 12 (2+3+2+2+3) FIRST PLACE
23) 2 (1+1)
Best crop
6) 3 votes
11), 14) 2 votes
1), 4), 9), 13), 21), 22) 1 vote
Best colouring
13) 3 votes
22), 23) 2 votes
1), 9), 11), 14), 19), 20) 1 vote
Part 2
1) 0
2) 1
3) 9 (2+2+1+1+3)
4) 12 (2+2+3+3+2) SECOND PLACE
5) 1
6) 1
7) 4 (2+2)
8) 15 (1+3+2+2+3+3+1) FIRST PLACE9) 11 (3+2+3+1+2) THIRD PLACE
10) 0
11) 0
12) 6 (3+1+2)
13) 0
14) 3
15) 7 (1+1+3+2)
16) 8 (1+3+3+1)
Best blend
16) 3 votes
2), 6), 8) 2 votes
3), 4), 12), 15) 1 vote
Most creative
12) 7 votes
8) 3 votes
4), 7), 16) 1 vote
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