If I blame

Apr 20, 2006 16:51

A is for age: 29 - ohmygod my birthday really did just happen
B is for booze of choice: whiterussians
C is for career: unemployed bum
D is for your dad's name: Pierre 
E is for essential items to bring to a party: your own car to escape quickly if need be
F is for favorite song at the moment: Calender Hung Itself by Bright Eyes & the grace by NeverendingWhitelights
G is for favorite game: It was monopoly now its whatever online game strikes me
H is for hometown: Chicago baby south side
I is for instruments you play: I have always wanted to play piano
J is for jam or jelly you like: blueberry or blackberry, the best is something from canada I can only get in wisconsin where my grams summer home is
K is for kids: loaded question 
L is for living arrangements: a house that comes with drama
M is for mum's name: Effey
N is for name of your crush: celebrity or real life............ why am I so complicated
O is for overnight hospital stays: yes I have 
P is for phobias: I dont ever want to drown and I am not very fond of insects
Q is for quotes you like: whats that one I love you but I will kill you in the end...... otherwise its revenge is a dish best served cold.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: still in it (I think) we are currently at 9 years, 5 months 24 days (that is if we are technically still togther)
S is for sexual preference: I am a gay man trapped in a womans body
T is for time you wake up: whenever
U is for underwear: none
V is for vegetable you love: no peas no carrots no lima beans and green peppers 
W is for weekend plans: havent thought much about it
X is for x-rays you've had: I think I had one for my teeth and one for my leg 
Y is for yummy food you make: I can make fish very well, salmon etc
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries, I am the poster child

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