Its one thing to want to add characters to your show if YOU feel it may be a positive addition to the show. Its another thing to be FORCED to add character to a show to satisfy someone who really showed no interest in the life of your show. If what was said
here is true then seriously we should do something about it.
I will support the Creator
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I think it's cool that the show changes a little. I'm sure the writers know what they are doing and how they are doing it.
And I think it's good that J and J will have some more offtime (or they'll drop dead from the exhaustion due to some heavy filming)
and yes, I'm a HUGE fan, girl, and in love with the two brothers on a roadtrip idea. But come ooooooon. They will still be brothers!!
(sorry for being anonymous, I'm new with LJ and don't wan't any hatemail or anything)
I am not pissed about the chicks joining the show but I am not happy if what that link said is true and what has been rumored about even before these spoilers were set out then yah I am pissed.
I am about a second arc that gives J2 a break because yah they are the hardest working duo in the biz but if thats what Kripke wants then so be it.
I personally would love to see more Ellen and Bobby and I would kill for more Missouri surely there is TV gold that can be with those three characters but I do not like the fact that the network would force this upon a show it clearly didnt give a shit about for so long.
they've already got some great characters to work with, why not use them?
I mean, the fans already love them and it's not gonna be two random chicks thrown into the show...
I'm all for changing it up, but if it's a forced change that the CREATOR thinks will screw up the show, I think the execs should listen...
then they had to go and kill off Ava....that really sucked. i LOVED her! i totally shipped Sam/Ava all the way.
the only way i can see this working out for our advantage is one of them gets possessed by Meg(cuz i love her...evil twisted bitch that she is! lol!) and they kill her.....and somehow have to kill the other one. maybe she becomes a vampire?? no wait...that'd probably make her more of a slut...bad idea.
I would love to see the Trickster again he can be like that thorn in their side that always gets away and then there could be a couple of times he helps the boys out.
The whole normalcy thing yah I see your point and agree I dont want to see normal for the boys until that last season even at that I only want it to breathe in that direction. Dean wants normal and I dont think he really handle normal and Sammy now he cant go back... to anything he briefly knew that in itself would be a new season or hell a separate show.
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