Child Protection... witch hunts OH MY

May 30, 2007 01:30


I believe the children are our future.... TEACH THEM WELL AND LET THEM LEAD THE WAY.

Can I seriously ask what happen with my generation ?

Being the awful age of 30 (laugh people its a joke) I am technically at the tail end of Gen X. I am about ready to go lie about my age and shift generations. I come across more and more people within Gen X that so close minded and narrow then I care to admit.

Now that many of us are parents we have become over protective and close off to the world around us. You want to protect children from the dangers of online communication or hell real world communication but damn it people... keep in mind that journey is just as important as the destination.

Some other shit happened to day in my life that is more so related to the whole narrow-minded generation but none the less I am gonna just rant about this LJ banning taking place and innocent journals are being attacked because someone may have had the word incest or other potentially offensive and suggested interests.

I will speak personally. I will never condone pedophilia nor other violent, unstructured sexual activities. My views on incest are the same as my views on relationships... gay, multi-cultural etc. Two humans have a choice to love each other if they chose and how they chose. It is none of my business and is certainly not my place to judge and say its wrong blah blah. And before you start, no I dont have a brother or a cousin or any other family member I want to fuck til kingdom come, no I am not gay and yes I am bi-racial.

These Warriors for Innocence people I am sure have their hearts in the right place. I would hope they have their hearts in the right place but lets seriously look at their execution.

They announced loud and proud they were going to purge Live Journal of its wrong doers like they did Blogger. I have a feeling they did it the same fucked up way they are doing it now. They made it perfectly clear how they were going by users interest and submitting them to LJ Abuse. That would be all fine and admirable until you start messing with shit that is CLEARLY FICTION.

Now I am for the dark erotica, dark characters, dark themes. Ranging from heavy hardcore BDSM, incest...well you all are smart I dont need to go on about what gets me going but I understand that its FICTION. Fiction is freedom in fantasy, freedom to test your personal boundaries and freedom to lose yourself within yourself or rebuild and renew yourself. I would trust that if there over 500 friends and comms that I am connected to here in Live Journal share similar or related views obviously there are more people out there that can tell the difference between an RPG character and someone who chooses to, in real life, engage in such acts.

Would it have killed those people who reported certain LJ accounts to their abuse department, to read the actual profile to determine if it was a real threat or not? A few extra seconds to make what you feel is worthwhile count. If I was in charge of this I would want no mistakes to be made. Hell if I was in charge of this shit you wouldnt know how the hell it was gonna happen.

But you know what... lets go a step further. I feel like I am John Cusacks character in Grosse Point Blank. He was approached in the military to be what he is because he had a certain "flexibility" within character... hee hee I am that damn good. Er anyways...

Consider this, Warriors for Innocence, a crash course in running your organization. Please do not invite me to join because this will be the only pearls of my wisdom you will get.

IF I were someone who actively pursues these interests I would bookmark your site and others like it. Why you may ask, because I would use to to find others like me who feel what I do or want to do is perfectly normal and embraced. Why cant I do this on my own... because its easier this way and two if big brother is really watching the second I do too many searches on Google or Yahoo the Feds will come a knocking on my door and throw me in the slammer. So thank you WFI and others like you for making it easier for me to find things and learn how to avoid people like you. How would I learn to avoid people... because you clearly stated what GENERAL topics or other things you are looking for to determine if something is "bad" or "offensive". And to think ... IF I were doing these I would be in hiding right now waiting for this to blow over snickering because I hid from your all mighty and powerful "witch hunt" while innocent people not in the lifestyle are getting nailed for something they are not apart of. So again... let me thank you.

Now that the sarcasm is done WFI and other sites like you... dont scream loud and proud about HOW you are going to do things or when you are going to do things. When you do start your "hunts" READ thoroughly and make sure you 100% sure of the context in which things are written. Remember this is ONLINE and what one may consider a joke, or write as FICTION or portray as character in storyline doesnt mean that this person is engaging or coercing others to engage as well.

We want to protect our children and loved ones. Remember that everything you do they watch and most certainly will mimic if the time comes. Would you want them to cut corners and ultimately disrespect another human and their civil liberties all because they couldnt see or were to lazy to read the bigger picture ??

Do things right the first time so you dont have to keep doing it again.

Cross posted to a wonderful new LJ comm whydoesljcensor

EDIT: I posted a suggestion to LJ asking for actual investigations into abuse charges as such not just blanket suspending of journals like they seem to be doing. I had read a few cases where people who had fictional journals say "well I will remove the interest" and LJ refused even knowing its fictional stating that basically they were covering their asses legally. WoI went to LJ sponsors and told them that they allow child molestors etc. etc. on their journals and discuss freely what they want to do to children. Again would it have hurt to think or read before acting ??? Never the less in June Live Journal was going to sell perm accounts to those who wanted them for a limited time. Do you think that our part of LJ will now WANT a perm account or even a paid account ?? I seriously thought about maybe getting a perm account but now I am seriously thinking of making that "other" journal my new Great home.

strikeout 2007 bullshit, ranting

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