Interview thing...

May 12, 2005 00:22

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

rantalus Interviewed me and my anwsers were...

1) Where the hell did your nickname come from (this has been bothering me for like, a week, lol)
2) Did you have to whore any of your AAAs?
3) Are you dating anyone? (no I'm not hitting on you, haha)
4) Is there anyone in the DDR community that you are friends with that you think you never could've been friends with if not for DDR?
5) Can you play any instruments?

1) I wrote about it in a post a little while back. I dont expect you saw it becuase it was before I would talk to you so here it is from that post.

"Ok so who wants to know what my screen name comes from? Alot of people ask, so I think I should just type it out here and possibly save some time. Ok, so my friend poke_g and I would always play perfect dark for N64 back in like 7th or 8th grade when it came out. He picked the retarded name Poke-G, and I thought it was pretty damn dumb. So I started out by making "naked goat" since I didnt yet have a name for everything that I used yet and I meant for it to sound as retarded as possible after I picked several words for G to stand for. I eventually ended up making it ANakedGoat. Then taking off the oat, cause I thought ANakedG sounded cool. So there it is. And as for my AIM screen name, the 1138 is just from THX 1138 and was put at the end cause, I lost the password to ANakedG, and im a Star Wars fan, which there is constant reference to 1138 in the Star Wars movies because THX1138 was George Lucas's first full length movie."

Well that was long but there it is. Also thats not just about anakedg, the post was about screen names, so its also how I added 1138. Not as interesting of a story as you may have expected from such a name?

2)Drop the bomb remix i played probally like....7 or 8 times the day I got it and 2 full sets just before I got it, so I played it two full sets and 2 random times in the day before that.

Holic I got on my 4th try of the day, however, a few days before that at fun n stuff I had played it 12-15 times or so.

Brilliant 2 U orchestra I got first try, I wasnt really even trying for it and played the song with no bar (something I wouldnt do if trying to AAA), stunna can vouch for the fact that it was a total surprise.

Have I whored for a AAA? yes Have I whored all my AAAs? no

3)No, im not dating anyone. I sort of miss it, but yea.

4)Well, obviously yes. DDR has taken me alot of places that I just wouldve not had an chance meet certain people that I have met in the game. Geographical boundaries aside, assuming I would be able to meet everyone I know from DDR through some circumstance, there are probally a few people that although I may consider them friends, we hardly ever talk and nothing ever comes of a conversation aside from scores talk.

Other then that I am pretty straight forward with people about how I feel about them. But, I will admit, some people I wouldnt even talk to as much as make fun of if they didnt play ddr.

5)No, I cannot play any instruments.
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