Apr 13, 2005 05:48
I just made a revelation, your a stupid bitch if you:
-Spell "sexy" wrong and actually type "sexi" then use it in every sentence.
-If you TyPe LiKe ThIs WiTh EvErY oThEr LeTtEr CaPiTaLiZeD.
-Make a million joke posters with the name SHEF in them on oddr (although I am quite flattered that someone considered me a big enough part of oddr to make an "ANakedSHEF" poster).
Actually I have always known that but I like the fact that I have made my concerns known publicly.
Tonight I have also been thinking about what I want to do with the money from my tax return. I have the Star Wars convention next weekend, but I only plan on spending about 300 or slightly more, and most of that will be for food, pitching in with gas etc as I already paid for my ticket and everything. Anyways Im thinking either a camcorder, some form of ipod, save the money for another computer/laptop.
First off the reason I want a video camera, pretty much I have always wanted one and I dont know why, but sometimes things just happen places that I go and I wish I could record them and show them to people I guess. That and make other videos, I dunno.
An ipod I just kinda want cause I have alot of MP3s and it would be convient.
A new computer, I dont really need. I was thinking mainly a laptop because I could take it places. I sorta want to start going to comic conventions more often on the weekends, hopefully I will work during the morning in the weekdays only coming up cause one of the kids is going to school that does that, and I just have the most seniority of anyone there...sorta hard to believe. I was thinking of hitting up both Wizard World Chicago and Motor City Con (in Novi, Michigan) btw. Motor city is in the spring, and Wizard World is usually in the early summer. Anyways I figure it might be handy to be able to take a laptop places like that for a few reasons.
Another combo that I was considering is getting some sort of Ipod along with a High-8 camcorder since they are only like $250-$300 and a matching second monitor. This way I could be getting a few things that I want. For those of you that dont know, I have dual monitors set up on my computer. It might seem weird to people who dont, but I got used to it, I mean I dont even like using computers with only one monitor. Anyways, I got a new viewsonic monitor awhile back since one of my monitors shit on me. The other monitor that I have now...I got somewhere that I dont remember, except that it was free. Anyways every now and then it gets really dark and discolored, I sorta want to get a new monitor to correct this.
Anyways which should I get if you actually took the time to read that?
Oh yeah, and if your someone that might be interested in going to some sort of convention, then you should let me know so I wont have to go alone =(.