Mar 07, 2006 19:41
HEy!! OMGSH! I havent written in this thing in Like forEVER!!
hahah I missed It!..Like Idk How to do shit on here anymore! well actuaylly I never did but Yeaaa.. Soooo umm.. Yesterday Was pRetty BorIng! The Only Fun Part was wHen We DraNK! but OtHer thaN tHat Idk!... The Fair Was BorIng tOoO!.. So Yeah Im goIn AgeN ThuRsdaY to Get On the RidEs!:) hehe LoL! IM hOPin SomeThin Bad HappeNs Like In FInaL DeStInal 3! eeeeeeeh Jk!! wooo Hooo I finaLly got My coaCh PurSe:) and My Ipod!! hahah :P! aww I reMemBer I pUt a Pic Of a CoaCh watCh on THis and ME and BrItt Where TrYing to SavE MoNey To BuY It:) haha and WOoOoO Hooo i Hung out wiTh Her YeSTErDay Fer a Lil Bit!! I WanteD to Smoke W/ Her But I had To KoMe Home!! But Next wEeKend FEr suRE!!! and I saw My BeauTiFul Inez Last Nite tOoO!!!:]] I was Alll happY!.. But YeaH wHat iS tHere to Say! I dont Go to SHs anYmore I go To wAcK asS CeNTrAL! It's SooOo bORIng I ReGret Moving!! I wAnNa Go Bak TO Shs!.. But yeah Umm.. Idk!!!... I'Ll trY to UpdaTE LaTer!!!