Jan 30, 2006 09:31
why do you hate me?
Rules: Write on the topic of 'five weird habits of yours.' Then, choose five additional users to be tagged, who will then (in a perfect world) each list their five weird habits. It's a fun game of sharing your secretive quirks. Etc.
This is something I have worked on and have pretty much managed to get over, but was very expensive and inconvenient for a long. time. I used to have issues with dirty underwear. Real issues. If any pair of underwear
has been soiled in anyway from any kind of internal or external manner I would have to throw it away. Not wash it, throw it away. However. As i grew Older and the frequency of having soiled underwear increased I had to start dealing with the fact that if I threw away underwear every time I had sex I would be broke very quickly. So i don’t do that anymore. I just wash them.
Number 2
I hate socks. I hate them. so much. I don't wear socks and I don't wear shoes that require socks. I hate washing other peoples socks. I feel slightly nauseous when I see a stray sock in my underwear drawer cause that’s gross. I hate when people touch me when they are wearing socks. with their feet.
Number 3
I’m paranoid about earwax. Gross subject, I know. But i hate it. I'm scared of it. I'm scared that if I don't clean my ears everyday I’ll pull my i-pod earplugs out and they will be covered in earwax. Even stranger than cleaning my ears out everyday is the fact that I get really embarrassed if anyone sees me and quickly thrown the ear bud (which is pretty much always clean anyway) and then cover it with toilet paper. It's just one of those things.
Number 4
I won't answer private numbers calling my mobile.
No deal.
Number 5
I love plucking body hair with tweezers. The only body hair I won’t pluck is underarm hair,. cause that's gross (unlike pubic hair... duh!)I also enjoy plucking / tweezing other peoples leg hair and eyebrows. it's very satisfying.
i tag jt_token and daninc55. that's all. not only do i not have 5 friends, but i find it hard to belive 5 other people have the time or inclination to do this.