I'm tired.

Jan 23, 2010 22:06

Yes, it's not yet 10 PM and I'm so sleepy (and halfway through my weekend) that I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm supposed to be writing tonight on my writing sample for Case Western, but honestly I'm not in a position to get anything useful done right now. No matter what I write, it'll be crap and I'll have to do it over anyway.

I'm really tired. I wish I wasn't halfway through my weekend already. I'm supposed to go tomorrow and take part in a study at UW, but honestly... honestly I need the time for writing. I've got roughly a week to get it finished and mailed out in order to make it there by the deadline. I think tomorrow morning I'll have to call up and cancel/reschedule. I feel bad, but honestly I don't really have a choice.

I did get some things done today. I met with my friend Phil to discuss an RPG project I'm helping him with. I went by and spent time talking to another contact whose business website I may be reworking/taking charge of. It'll involve doing some upfront work as an example, but that's all right. I can do that. Worst comes to worst, I get some bath product for my time. :)

Okay. I think I have to go fall over now. Tomorrow I'll get up and write, and get some dishes and laundry done, and find a way to get my son's perscription filled, and get my check to my landlord, and work on the rest of my world from there. Sometime in the next few days I'll have a new poem to put up, and maybe new fiction, and some thoughts as to birthday-ness.

Oh! And when I was at the soap store, Phil (one of the owners) and I and a regular customer were talking. We ended up discussing Phil's 20-year relationship with his partner and I mentioned that I'd been married for 15 years, and he just stopped and looked at me. They were both really surprised, and Phil said he wouldn't put me at any older than my late twenties. Now that's the way to make a girl feel better coming up to her birthday, let me tell you, especially with my hair in a ponytail and no makeup on. Wonders never cease. :)
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