(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 03:39

Not sure anybody even reads this, but uh... XD

Playing MMORPGs is definitely my favorite pastime. It is no exaggeration when I say that I've played nearly one hundred of these games. Second Life, Endless Forest, Maplestory, Rappelz, FlyFF, Tahadi (bonus points for being the only all-Arabic MMO out there), World of Warcraft, Champions of Norrath, ConquerOnline, even that old MMO hosted by CocaCola where you designed an avatar, visited cities around the world, and made music for a living. If it's free, I've played it. If it isn't, I've probably tried it, or at the very least I definitely know of it.

I'm playing Runescape now with my friends, and the little boy who follows us like a puppy--Pranshu Singh from India--is so precious. To name a few reasons why...

  • You can't do something for him without him returning the favor. I gave him most of my items, so the very next day, he gave me a ton of his items in return. Little boy, you don't have to do that!
  • He insists on group unity. If we get separated, he goes looking for all of us to bring us back together. And when Mush was nearly killed by a high level Mugger, he proclaimed "Nobody hurts my friends!" and jumped to Mush's rescue. Oh, God, so cute.
  • He doesn't like bad words and if you're mean to him, you're "abusing" him.
  • He doesn't realize the NPCs are NPCs, and he calls them his "friends."
  • He very eagerly introduced us to his classmate.

  • I'm estimating his age at around nine.

    runescape, mmorpg's

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